

步步为营 The Importance of Goal-Setting

There are many things that we wish to achieve in life. For some, we set goals and objectives, and for some we don’t. Now, I want you to do some serious thinking. Try to remember the last time you set a goal to achieve a certain task. Were you able to complete the task in an effective manner? I am sure that the tasks which are done by setting and meeting daily goals will definitely be useful and rewarding experiences. Be it your personal or professional life, setting goals both big and small is the ultimate key to achieving and enjoying what you want. A step-by-step approach towards achieving smaller goals is the key to achieving larger ones.
生活中,有很多我们想完成的事情。我们为其中一些事情设定了目标,而有一些则没有。现在,请认真地思考一下,回想自己最近一次为完成某个任务而设定目标的情景。你是否有效地完成了这个任务?我确信,通过设定并完成日常目标而完成的任务无疑是一份有用而值得的经历。无论是个人生活还是职业生涯,设定或大或小的目标都是实现和享受梦想的最关键因素。一步一步地朝着小目标迈进,是完成大目标的必经之路。阅读更多 »步步为营 The Importance of Goal-Setting

成功秘诀:需要一点儿失败 The Secret to Success
