
德文郡托基市—阿加莎·克里斯蒂的文学印迹 Literary Trails: Agatha Christie’s Torquay, Devon


Literary Trails: Agatha Christie’s Torquay, Devon

Best-selling crime author Agatha Christie comes from Torquay in Devon, on England’s southwest coast.

1)Literary fans can follow in her footsteps and see many of her favourite spots on a trip to Torquay.

On September 15th, 1890, Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born in Barton Road, Torquay. During her lifetime, she became one of the most 2)prolific British crime writers, 3)penning 79 crime novels (plus 19 plays and six romantic novels, under the name Mary Westmacott.)

Many people love following in the literary footsteps of their favourite writers and it’s no exception with Agatha Christie. The 4)annual Agatha Christie Week takes place in September to 5)coincide with her birthday, and there are lots of events, 6)activities and tours to enjoy in Torquay.

But even if you can’t visit at the time of the 7)celebrations, there’s plenty to see on a trip in your own time. There are 8)a wide variety of places in the town, for example, that were connected with the novelist and her writing. Many of these literary landmarks are 9)identified with blue 10)plaques. In 1990, Agatha’s 11)centenary year, the Agatha Christie Mile was created, which marks out 11 locations on a one-mile 12)route around Torquay.

  The church where Agatha was 13)baptised, All Saints Church in Torre, is usually open to visitors and they often have guided tours too. It’s located a short walk from her childhood home in Barton Road and is the church which Agatha attended regularly during her childhood.

Agatha met Archie Christie, her first husband, in Torquay. They got married on December 24th, 1914, and spent their honeymoon night at the Grand Hotel in Torquay. Located on the sea front, the four-star hotel is still in existence today and certainly 14)lives up to the grand part of its name. Even if you’re not staying there, it’s definitely worthwhile 15)popping in for morning coffee or afternoon tea, or to enjoy light 16)refreshments in the Compass 17)Lounge and Bar, which has spectacular views across the bay.

After their wedding, Archie had to go straight back to war and Agatha worked as a nurse for the Red Cross Hospital based in Torquay’s Town Hall. She later trained as a 18)pharmacist, which helped with her crime novelist career, as she gained experience about the effects of poisons.

Agatha also gained 19)inspiration for her novels from her life’s 20)encounters. And it was even in Torquay that she gained inspiration for the popular Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, whilst the town was home to German-occupied-Belgium 21)refugees during 1915.

The Torquay Museum is a good place to head to for learning more about Agatha’s life. They have an exhibition dedicated to Agatha which includes items such as personal photos from her early years, to late life notebooks, 22)original 23)manuscripts and first editions of her many books. They also have some of the clothes worn by actress Joan Hickson in her 24)adaptations of Agatha’s books, where she played the famous detective Miss Marple.

The Imperial Hotel in Torquay, another large hotel in the town, is featured in the first chapter of the novel Peril at End House. In its time, the hotel was grand and Agatha is likely to have attended social events here. It seems to have held a degree of interest for her, as it was also the setting for the last chapter of Sleeping Murder, which was also the last mystery starring Miss Marple.

There are many more fascinating Agatha Christie sites to enjoy on a tour of Torquay. Fans of her crime fictions will enjoy spotting 25)memorable places and learning more about the landmarks and people that influenced this talented, highly productive writer.
在托基之旅中,人们还能观赏到更多精彩的阿加莎·克里斯蒂景点。她的犯罪小说粉丝们会很享受认出那些经典场所的乐趣,同时还可以更深入地了解那些对这位多产的天才作家产生过影响的地标和人物。Rachel Newcombe/文

Link: Agatha Christie Festival—A Week for Classic Mystery Lovers in Torquay

Torquay, Agatha Christie’s hometown and part of the English Riviera注, celebrates its native daughter, one of the 20th century’s most famous mystery writers, with a week of events and performances. Christie fans come from all over the world for the September festivals. Events vary from year to year but usually include:
Free screenings of Agatha Christie films
Teas and tours
Live performances by the Agatha Christie Theatre Company
Illustrated[举例说明,加插图于] talks
Murder mystery parties and dinners
Tea dances
Tours and boat visits to Greenway, Agatha Christie’s home


注:里维埃拉(Riviera)是法国东南部和意大利西北部沿地中海的假日旅游胜地,也指气候温和的沿海旅游胜地。英国里维埃拉(English Riviera)指的是位于英格兰德文郡东南部的托贝(Torbay)。此地因其海滩和温暖的气候成为热门度假圣地。

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公主花园 (Princess Gardens)
公主花园于1894年开放,其建筑风格为典型的维多利亚式设计,有着华丽的喷泉、精美的花床,当然少不了从新西兰进口的著名的托贝棕榈树。毫无疑问,阿加莎是花园的常客,而它也出现在《ABC谋杀案》(The ABC Murders)一书中。

展览馆 (The Pavilion)

阿加莎·克里斯蒂半身像 (Agatha Christie Bust)
这座精心制作的半身像在阿加莎·克里斯蒂的百岁诞辰庆典上首次亮相,是世界上唯一一座她的雕像。该半身像由其女儿罗莎琳德·希克斯(Rosalind Hicks)揭幕,是荷兰雕刻家卡罗尔·凡·丹·波姆-凯恩斯(Carol Van Den Boom-Cairns)的作品。

灯塔湾 (Beacon Cove)