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阿加莎·克里斯蒂:悬疑小说之王 Agatha Christie: the First Lady of Mystery(3)

ntered on their travels.

  The Late Years 垂暮之年

阿加莎·克里斯蒂 垂暮之年  But by 1957 Agatha found it more difficult to manage camp life. Indeed she was so plagued by illness that year Max decided to call it quits. They retired from Nimrud and returned to England, where they busied themselves with writing and other projects. In 1968 Max was knighted for services to archaeology, and he was made a trustee26) of the British Museum in 1973. Agatha, in the meantime, was named the world’s best-selling author in the English language (1961), and was created a Dame27) Commander of the British Empire (1971). She continued writing of course, and she became increasingly involved with the theater and film.

  On January 12, 1976, Agatha died, following a short illness. She was 86 years old. Max’s memoirs, published the following year, cited his feelings of emptiness after 45 years of a loving and creative partnership with Agatha. Two years later, on August 19, 1978, Mallowan himself died.

  Despite the fact that Max Mallowan was considered one of the premier anthropologists of his day, it is his wife, Agatha Christie Mallowan, which the public best remembers. She wrote a total of 66 novels. A good number of her works have made their way into film. By many she is recognized as the single most popular mystery writer of all time. But as her own words reveal, Agatha was a vulnerable person, who struggled for success and happiness, as well as adventure. After all, “Life, itself, is a mystery adventure,” an entanglement28) difficult to find out—a wonder too vast to comprehend—never solved, never ceasing. As Mary McCarthy29) wrote: “We all live in suspense, from day to day, from hour to hour; in other words, we are the heroes of our own stories.”

  1. revel [ˈrev(ə)l] vi. 陶醉,喜好,取悦
  2. overtone [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌtəʊn] n. 弦外之音,含蓄之意;暗示
  3. arithmetic [əˈrɪθmətɪk] n. 算术,算法
  4. Eden Philpotts:伊登·菲尔波茨(1862~1960),英国作家,诗人,剧作家
  5. chic [ʃiːk] n. 别致的款式(尤指妇女的服饰)
  6. ambience [ˈæmbɪəns] n. 周围环境,气氛
  7. archaeology [ˌɑː(r)kIˈɒɪədʒɪ] n. 考古学
  8. lieutenant [lefˈtenənt] n. 陆军中尉
  9. Royal Field Artillery:皇家野战炮兵;artillery [ɑː(r)ˈtɪlərɪ] n. 炮的总称,炮兵的总称
  10. dispensary [dɪˈspensərɪ] n. (学校、兵营或工厂的)诊疗所,药房
  11. pharmaceutical [ˌfɑː(r)məˈsjuːtɪk(ə)l] adj. 制药(学)上的
  12. lethal [ˈliːθl] adj. 致命的
  13. dosage [ˈdəʊsɪdʒ] n. 剂量,用量
  14. egg [eɡ] vt. 煽动,怂恿
  15. have a go:尝试做某事
  16. crank out:〈口〉迅速而机械地作成(或说出)
  17. debut [ˈdeɪbjuː] vt. 初次登场,首次露面
  18. haunt [hɔːnt] vt. 时常萦绕心头,使困窘
  19. strew [struː] vt. 撒满,点缀,散播
  20. mount [maʊnt] vt. 上演
  21. amnesia [æmˈni:zɪə] n. 健忘症
  22. fodder [ˈfɒdə(r)] n. (创作的)素材
  23. bog [bɒɡ] vt. 使陷于困境,使不能前进
  24. accouterment [əˈkauːtəˈmənt] n. (个人穿戴方面的)饰物,饰品;衣着
  25. meticulous [mɪˈtɪkjʊləs] adj.〈口〉非常仔细的,严谨的
  26. trustee [ˌtrʌˈstiː] n. 托管人,保管人
  27. dame [deɪm] n. (英国)女爵士(的头衔)
  28. entanglement [ɪnˈtæŋɡ(ə)lmənt] n. 纠缠
  29. Mary McCarthy:玛丽·麦卡锡(1912~1989),美国当代文学界享有很高声誉的作家,擅长对婚姻、两性关系、知识分子以及女性角色进行辛辣的评论,作品备受社会各界关注。她曾获得爱德华·麦克道尔奖章(1982)、美国国家文学奖章(1984)以及罗切斯特文学奖(1985)等众多奖项,被《纽约时报》赞誉为“我们时代唯一真正的女作家”。

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