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背负历史勇敢迈前的波兰 Poland: Time to Move on

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波兰二战纪念  对于大多数中国人来说,波兰是个既熟悉又陌生的国度,但其实这个孕育了伟大音乐家肖邦的地方,她的命运我们应该会有所共鸣的:一百多年前还是欧洲的一个大帝国,但由于是俄罗斯与欧洲交往的要塞,近百年来一直背负着沉痛屈辱的历史——一边是俄罗斯的不断欺凌,一边是法国、德国等国家的不断占领。几乎每个波兰人都可以跟你说上一段与他们、或者他们祖辈有关的辛酸故事。但到了21世纪的今天,波兰人终于慢慢走出阴影,勇敢面对前路,希望通过他们的勤劳赢得世人的尊重和自己的幸福。
  Michael Palin (Narrator): On September 1st, 1939, World War II began over there on Westerplatte, when the German warship Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on the Polish 1)garrison. They held out very gamely, but within a matter of weeks, all of Poland was overrun. By the end of the war, the Poles had lost 20% of their population.
  Warsaw suffered 2)dreadfully in World War II. In his fury at the 3)uprising of 1944, Hitler ordered the city removed from the map. Over 800,000 citizens died or disappeared. After the war Poland’s capital was rebuilt by the Communists.
  Stalin gave this Palace of Culture to the Poles to show how much they meant to the USSR.
  Michael: Did you want it?
  Monica: Apparently he gave us a choice; you either get a metro system or a palace of culture. We said, “Oh, can we have metro, please?” He said, “Okay, I’ll give you the palace.” That’s how it started.
  My guide is Polish journalist Monica Richardson.
  Michael: Well, you can see really, it sort of 4)plunks itself down right in the middle of acity like something
  alien creature.
  Monica: Yes.
  Michael: Do you feel that…
  Monica: Like a scar.
  Michael: As someone from Warsaw?
  Monica: Absolutely! This cuts the city right in half.
  Michael: Yeah. When you look out at your city from here, I mean, do you find it a little grey and…I mean, do you think it’s a beautiful city?
  Monica: No, it’s not a beautiful city, but it’s a working city. I have a lot of respect for it. You know, good down to earth city of people, who have busy lives.
  Michael: Yeah. I mean, you get a great view of the city without having to see the Palace of Culture; suppose in that way it’s kind of…
  Monica: A blessing in 5)disguise.
  Michael: It’s better to be in it than be out there looking at it.
  Monica: Absolutely! It’s an awful place.
  Michael: Well, it’s got a certain grandeur. An 6)edifice like this brings to mind some form of architectural 7)imperialism plunked down to dominate the 8)subjugated people.
  Monica: Very true, but it’s become a symbol of Warsaw whether we(’re) happy about this or not, just like the fact that Warsaw’s such an old new city.
  Plenty of Poles have come to work in the UK, but I’m off to meet an Englishman who’s happier working in Poland. He’s a 9)Cockney called Kevin Easton. He came here 15 years ago, without a visa, doing whatever jobs he could find and picking up the language along the way. He’s ended up in the Polish Fire 10)Brigade.
  Kevin: …and when I got the hang of the Polish language and I felt confident enough, I knocked on the doors of the Polish Fire Brigade and said, “Hi, I want to be a fireman. Can I?” Passed all the tests and everything. They said, “Sure! Come on in.” And today I’m a section leader in the Polish Fire Brigade.
  Michael: You say lightly that, “Oh, I learned the language”, but it must have been very, very difficult. I find it a very difficult language indeed with the “z” and the…
  Kevin: Polish actually is amongst five of the most difficult languages in the world, and I don’t know how I’ve done it.
  Michael: How did you do it? Did you do it from books or…
  Kevin: No.
  Michael: …just from…
  Kevin: No books.
  Michael: …over time?
  Kevin: No, no. Over…over…one point, Michael,…over about, whoa, I wouldn’t even like to think about it, ’cause I’m sure I’ve drunk a car learning this Polish language. But the best way to learn Polish, really, is just to buy a beer. Buy the Polish guy a beer, sit down and chat with him.
  Michael: How similar are the Poles to the English, or how different?
  Kevin: Oooh, they’re very different. I wouldn’t say similar; they’re not similar at all. They’re very, very, very opposites, I would say, but they’re opposites which attract. Um, Poles, for example, they’re very gallant. If they…if you’re talking about women, they kiss women on the hand for “hello” and “goodbye”. An English guy does this, you know, “Hi, how are you do?” So it’s a little bit cold and stuff. The Poles are very hospitable. If you go to their house, they’ll empty out the whole fridge and knock on the neighbour’s door to get their fridge emptied to put on their table in order to entertain you. I would say this one thing for the Poles that are in my country, is that I hope that Great Britain treats them as well as Poland has treated me here. That’s the best that I could ever wish them, really.
  Two hours from the 11)monastery is one of the most infamous places in Europe. Occupied Poland was where the Nazis put their most 12)notorious 13)concentration camps.
  This, one of the earliest, is in the town of Oswiecim; in German––Auschwitz.
  Converted in 1940 from a Polish army 14)barracks, Auschwitz 1 is where the techniques of mass killing were honed. This was one of the gas chambers, and these were some of the first ovens developed to destroy quickly and efficiently all traces of organized murder. In the rooms where men, women, and children were 15)incarcerated are displays of what was found when the camp was finally liberated. Canisters of the killing gas, 16)Zyklon-B, piles of human hair, and somehow most moving of all for me, the bags and suitcases that once contained someone’s last possessions, and on them the names of their owners, written in hope.
  I suppose it’s good that places like this are still here, with the evidence of 17)brutality kept in good condition. But I wish I could believe that people will never be like this again.


  奥斯维辛集中营(英文名称:Auschwitz Concentration Camp,德文名称:Konzentrationslager Auschwitz-Birkenau,又译奥斯威辛集中营)是纳粹德国时期建立的劳动营和灭绝营之一,有“死亡工厂”之称,是希特勒种族灭绝政策的执行地,多达110万人死于该集中营。奥斯维辛集中营是纳粹德国犯下滔天罪行的历史见证。
  《索菲的选择》(Sophie’s Choice,1982)寓言式的叙事,作为母亲最不愿意作出的选择。
  《辛德勒的名单》(Schindler’s List,1993)不仅控诉纳粹暴行的本身,还逼迫所有人拷问自己的灵魂。
  《美丽人生》(La Vita è Bella,1997) 德国哲学家阿多诺说,“在奥斯维辛后写诗是野蛮的。”《美丽人生》却是一首美丽而苦涩的电影之诗。
  《灰色地带》(The Grey Zone,2001)该片中,奥斯维辛的上空没有一丝英雄主义光环,都是个体在死亡前的最真实表露。
  《钢琴师》(The Pianist,2002)强烈的民族内省意识和伤感情绪,更加接近普通人。
