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爱玛·沃特森:“小魔女”的后“哈利·波特时代”Emma Watsom:Way to a More Splendid Life

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爱玛·沃特森  弹指一挥间,十年匆匆过。从参演第一部《哈利·波特》系列电影至今,1990年4月15日出生的爱玛·沃特森转眼长到了桃李年华。这十年,无论是戏里的魔法世界,还是戏外的夺目生活,爱玛·沃特森都像活在童话之中。现在,眼看《哈利·波特》系列已经走向完结,许多人不禁疑惑:“小魔女”将何去何从?
  Ten Years 10 年回首
  Host: Nice to have you here. You look back to those films that now, I mean that’s a while back, but you’re just babies in that, of course. How old were you when you made the first one?
  Emma: I was about 10 years old. I’d just turned 10.
  Host: And you’ve kind of grown up with them, I guess. I mean you, that’s the biggest ...
  Emma: Yeah.
  Host: ...chunk of your childhood.
  Emma: Definitely, they’re like, they really are, like most of things, really spent so much time with them.
  Host: And 1)presumably you’re now beginning to think about when it’s over. It’s be kind of strange, isn’t it?
  Emma: Yeah, it will be strange.

爱玛·沃特森  Academic Genius 读书达人
  Host: After you finish it…you’ve already got kind of the next few years planned out, haven’t you? You’re going off to study. You’re going to university in America.
  Emma: Yes.
  Host: OK, once again, that’s an exciting thing, something you can afford to do. Why go to America? Why not stay here and do it?
  Emma: Over here you just have to choose one thing to study for three years. And I missed so much school and I [it] really appealed to me that in the States you can study this kind of really broad 2)curriculum. You can take sort of up to four courses a term, ...
  Host: Yeah.
  Emma: ...and it’s very, like, open. They really encourage you to do different stuff. I’m really into art as well. So it’s great.
  Host: So it’s just better choices available.
  Emma: Just more choice.
  Host: Here’s the thing, which is ... incredible thing is, you’ve made these movies, you worked on them, but also you’ve done so well on all your grades. You got “A”s on all your 3)GCSEs, is that right? And then your 4)A-levels as well.
  Emma: Yeah.
  Host: Wow! Congratulations! That must be really hard to be studying when you’re filming.
  Emma: Yeah. It was tough. It was really tough. I felt very torn, but it was so worth it, you know, I’m so excited about going to university and, you know, I want to have my cake and eat it. I want the best of both worlds. I want to do everything.
  Host: Yeah, but it’s interesting you say that because there must have been some things that you did miss out of. You know, the kind of normal things that kids do. What kind of things did you…did you want to do more or did you sort of see your contemporaries do that you couldn’t join in with?
  Emma: Just, you know, if you’re working really long hours, you know, maybe you can’t make, I don’t know, someone’s birthday party or a 5)sleepover or something that you, you know, but, just...I never felt like I was missing out because I was gaining so much, you know, and…
  Host: Yes, so then what you got in return on the balance was…
  Emma: Seriously, and you know...and there were gaps in between filming and I would always get back to school so I’d get to see my friends then, and my life felt like both parts were kind of a holiday because I’d get a break from school and get to go and do something really exciting and fun and then get to come back again and see all my friends again. So, I mean, I was always working, but it was exciting and fun.

爱玛·沃特森  Romantic Scenes “哈7”的感情戏
  Host: Let me ask you about the relationship, the change in your relationship in terms of your acting with the young performers you had, because, of course, in the books we see that there’s a kind of growing relationship between Hermione and Ron.
  Emma: Yes.
  Host: ... so there’s gonna be kind of romantic scenes, ...
  Emma: Mmm.
  Host: ... kissing scenes and so on between you and Rupert, who you’ve gone out with and you now presumably there isn’t that actually—he’s not your boyfriend, is he?
  Emma: No.
  Host: But, do you have a boyfriend?
  Emma: I do actually, yes, I do.
  Host: So is that gonna be saying things you’ve known him for so long?
  Emma: Umm.
  Host: Have you done any of those things yet?
  Emma: Actually we did the kiss two weeks ago, and it was the most...horrible thing I had to do...not because Rupert isn’t lovely, and there is millions of girls out there, who would probably chop their left arm off to kiss him, but it just felt like 6)incest. It’s the only way I can describe it.
  Host: Because he’s like your brother. Yeah.
  Emma: Yeah.
  Host: Yeah, yeah, of course. And so, so what, how did you face him?
  Emma: The way you think about kissing is you close your eyes, so I had my eyes closed so I could not think about the fact that it was him. The worst bit was when we had to open our eyes and look at each other, because then it was, like, “thspppp”, and then we couldn’t keep going. But, no, we did it in the end. Six takes. Not bad.
  Host: Emma, I can’t wait to see the final couple of movies. But it is gonna be, you know, I would have thought, quite an emotional thing for you and for Dan and for Rupert and for the rest of the cast when it ends.
  Emma: Yeah, I think it will be. Yeah, inevitably it will be. I mean it’s been like our whole life, it’s been what everything has revolved around for the three of us, so it will be very strange.
  Host: But you keep in touch at the moment anyway, when you’re not filming, don’t you? I mean you’re kind of in touch and you’re friends and you hang out together a bit, so that won’t necessarily end.
  Emma: This is true. But, you know, when I don’t get offered any scripts or any good parts, after years I’m sure that there’ll be remakes and maybe I can play Professor McGonagall.
