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乐迷的心灵碰撞 A Panel Discussion

发音:美式发音 语速:160词/分钟 使用方法:精听+角色扮演

  Buddy: Welcome back. For those of you just joining us, as we broadcast live across Asia, we are coming to you from the Music Lovers’ Festival 2010 here in Shanghai and we are discussing the most influential musicians of all time.
  Holly: That’s right. We are travelling back in time, and all the way up to the present day, to see which musical artists have made the biggest impacts on our lives. And remember the podcast of this discussion will be available for download from our website tonight.
  Buddy: Now, we have already discussed some of the big names in classical music: Bach, Beethoven, Tchaikovsky and…Stevie, now you have only a limited knowledge in this area—①your 1)forte lies in more modern music, but ②I’m interested to get your two cents worth.
  Stevie: Yeah, as you said, ③I’ve only dipped my toe into this 2)realm, but I do find it extremely fascinating. You know, music is all about moving forward and experimenting with new sounds and pushing boundaries. And without the works of these great composers and musicians and the way that they brought music to the people, we wouldn’t have the great array of music we have today. They got people talking about music and embracing music. ④They certainly laid a path for us all to follow.
  Holly: And it’s interesting that you mention this kind of 3)legacy that has been carried on. We can still see today how modern and classical music continue to 4)bounce off one another. We hear violins and 5)brass instruments 6)popping up in pop songs and ⑤it’s not unheard of to have an electric guitar as part of an 7)orchestra these days.
  Buddy: I think another interesting point to take note of is the way it brings different cultures together. All the artists we have mentioned come from completely different backgrounds, yet share the same passion for music.
  Holly: Yes, ⑥it just goes to show that music really is a universal language.

  Smart Sentences
  ① Your forte lies in more modern music. 你的专长更多的是在现代音乐上。
  one’s forte: the area sb. is good at(某人擅长的领域)。
  Originality was never his forte.
  ② I’m interested to get your two cents worth. 我愿意听听你的高见。
  two cents worth: a usually unsolicited opinion on sth.(主动提出的意见)。例如:
  I will offer my two cents worth on the design tonight.
  ③ I’ve only dipped my toe into this realm. 我只是粗略地了解古典音乐。
  dip sb.’s toe into sth.: start doing sth. unfamiliar slowly and carefully(小心谨慎尝试新事物)。例如:
  Peter is dipping his toe into the stock market.
  ④ They certainly laid a path for us all to follow. 当然他们也为我们指明了方向。
  lay a path: show the course of action(指出行动方向)。例如:
  Don’t you think Mr. Peterson’s talk last night laid a path for the next three months?
  ⑤ It’s not unheard of to have an electric guitar as part of an orchestra these days. 如今在交响乐中出现电吉他的声音也并不稀奇了。
  unheard of: sth. that has never happened before(闻所未闻)。例如:
  Flush toilets are unheard of in the village.
  ⑥ Yes, it just goes to show that music really is a universal language. 这正好说明了音乐确实是世界的语言。
  it just goes to show that…: sth. is obvious from what’s mentioned above(之前所提及的很容易得出某个结论)。例如:
  Look at what happened in Avatar. It just goes to show that 3D is our future.
  ★Bach巴赫(1685-1750),全名Johann Sebastian Bach,德国著名的作曲家、管风琴家,是将西欧不同民族的音乐风格浑然融为一体的开山大师,被称为“不可超越的大师”,甚至被誉为“欧洲近代音乐之父”。
  ★Beethoven贝多芬(1770-1827),全名Ludwig van Beethoven,伟大的德国作曲家、维也纳古典乐派代表人物之一。贝多芬晚年失聪,却成就了伟大事业,集古典音乐的大成,同时开辟了浪漫主义时期音乐的道路,被尊称为“乐圣”。
  ★Tchaikovsky柴可夫斯基(1840-1893),全名Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky,伟大的俄罗斯浪漫乐派作曲家,也是俄罗斯民族乐派的代表人物。代表作品有《胡桃夹子》、芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》等。
