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“肖邦年”音乐节欢迎你 Welcome to The Festival

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“肖邦年”  2010年是波兰伟大的作曲家和钢琴家肖邦诞辰200周年,波兰政府宣布今年为“肖邦年”,将在世界各国举办2000场音乐会、电影、展览等相关纪念活动。那么,让我们一起踏着轻盈的脚步,开始这段音乐之旅吧。
  Host: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to the Music Appreciation Society’s 21st Music Lovers’ Festival. Firstly, ①let me say how eternally grateful we are to the Chinese Government and the people of Shanghai for hosting us for this week-long event.
  2010 is a very special year as it marks the
  1)anniversaries of the birth of some of the greatest composers and musicians the world has ever known. Most notably of these is Chopin, with 2010 marking 200 years since his birth.②In recognition of this, more than 300 performances dedicated to Chopin will take place across the globe throughout the year.
  Now, we have more than one hundred events taking place this week, and ③I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers and 2)sponsors who have made this all possible. Make sure you take a look at your programs for all the details.
  OK, I don’t want to bore you any longer. I’ll let the music speak for itself. So without further ado, I declare the festival open.
  (The crowd cheers)
  Janis: ④This week is going to be off the hook.
  Floyd: Yeah, it’s like our whole university course
  3)crammed into one week.
  Janis: ⑤Only we get to experience it all first-hand. Check this program out. There is a museum exhibition with original instruments and sheet music, an art 4)gallery featuring works inspired by great musicians, live shows and forums, and even interactive exhibits.
  Floyd: Plus, check out the last day.
  Janis: Looks like fun. A 5)fancy dress party where guests come dressed as their favourite musician. I can’t wait!
  Floyd: Well you already look like Lady Gaga, so ⑥it won’t be much of a stretch.
  Janis: ⑦Look who’s talking, Elvis.
  Floyd: Haha, nice one. So, where do you want to go first?
  Janis: This discussion forum looks really interesting.
  Floyd: ⑧You wanna give that a 6)shot?
  Janis: Sure. Let’s head over that way.

  弗洛伊德:你看上去就已经像是“Lady Gaga”了,不必费什么力气就可以
  Smart Sentences
  ① Let me say how eternally grateful we are to the Chinese Government and the people of Shanghai…我深深地感谢中国政府和上海人民……
  let me say…: an introductory phrase(引入语)。例如:
  Let me say how happy I’m to be here.
  ② In recognition of this, more than 300 performances dedicated to Chopin will take place across the globe throughout the year. 鉴于他对音乐的卓越贡献,这一年中全球各地将会有超过300场纪念肖邦的演出。
  in recognition of: to show official appreciation of sb.’s achievement(表示对某人成绩的正式承认)。例如:
  My supervisor had just gotten a promotion in recognition of his outstanding performance in organizing the conference.
  ③ I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the volunteers and sponsors.我想借此机会感谢所有的志愿者和赞助商。
  I would like to take this opportunity to: expression used to introduce a statement politely(礼貌地引入下文,“我借此机会”)。例如:
  I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you.
  ④ This week is going to be off the hook. 这个星期会忙坏的。
  off the hook: intense or out of control, but typically in a good or fascinating way(紧张或失控,但通常在好的方面)。例如:
  Year end is usually off the hook with all wrapping up activities and the exciting anticipation.
  ⑤ Only, we get to experience it all first-hand. 只不过我们就要亲身体验了。
  experience sth. first-hand: gain experience directly rather than from other sources(第一手经验)。例如:
  We will go to India and experience the culture first-hand.
  ⑥ It won’t be much of a stretch. 不必费什么力气就可以做到。
  not much of a stretch: sth. does not make sb. work hard or use all their energy(不太费力)。例如:
  Designing for the ZN Company won’t be much of a stretch because I know them very well.
  ⑦ Look who’s talking, Elvis. 怎么不说说你自己,猫王。
  look who’s talking: expression used to question what the other just said(用以质疑对方的话)。例如:
  —You are over excited about Avatar.
  —Look who’s talking. You spent twice what I did to watch the IMAX Avatar.
  ⑧ You wanna give that a shot? 你想去看
  give it a shot: attempt to do sth.(尝试做某事),例如:
  I’m always interested in the speech competition. I will give it a shot next semester.
  ★Chopin肖邦(1810-1849),全名Frédéric Franccedilois Chopin,伟大的波兰音乐家,不满20岁已成为华沙公认的钢琴家和作曲家。后半生时值波兰亡国,肖邦在巴黎度过,创作了很多具有爱国主义思想的钢琴作品,被称为“浪漫主义钢琴诗人”。
  ★Lady Gaga原名Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta,全球最当红的流行歌手、钢琴演奏家和词曲创作人之一。有人将她称为“雷人嘎嘎”,也有人尊她为“女神卡卡”。
  ★Elvis全名Elvis Presley(埃尔维斯·普瑞斯莱),昵称“猫王”(The Hillbilly Cat and King of the Western Bop),美国知名摇滚乐歌手和演员。
