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背后下毒手,暗算 Stab you in the back

Christina Aguilera  娱乐圈里有“三多”,帅哥美女多这是人尽皆知的,还有一多那就是“是非多”了。难怪曾经的流行歌坛天后克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉 (Christina Aguilera)会有感而发,说出“今天或许是朋友,明天说不定就会在背后捅你一刀”这样让人悲观、丧气的话了,一语道尽世态炎凉、人情冷暖啊。如今正当而立之年的克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉曾经可是红得不得了,出道不久,就获得了6次格莱美提名、两项MTV大奖、一个电台音乐奖等诸多荣誉。她因专辑《瓶中情》(Genie in a Bottle) 获得突破性成功,从此拥有数百万歌迷,唱片卖得异常火热,并因此获得多项荣誉。但如今,流行乐坛新人辈出,克里斯蒂娜·阿奎莱拉估计也只能躺在功名簿上吃老本了。在此小编呼吁一下,在人家背后下毒手的做法是非常不入流的,做人还是要厚道啊。 

  Stab you in the back 背后下毒手,暗算 
  “So many friends are at your side today to help you and tomorrow they stab you in the back.”  
  -Christina Aguilera talking about the difficulty she has in trusting people. 
  Betray you, do things to hurt you, do something harmful to you without you knowing, do bad things in secret so you don’t know they’re being done. 
  Stabbing someone in the back is a terrible thing to do. When you stab someone in the back, you betray his/her trust and do something very harmful to him/her. Hopefully, you will never have to use the expression “stab you in the back,” because you will not experience anything so painful. Unfortunately, people do get stabbed in the back all the time, so it’s useful to know what the expression means. 
  I can’t believe Marie stabbed me in the back. I thought she was my friend. She told everyone the secret that she promised she’d keep. 
  It’s really hard to trust people. Just when you feel like you get to know somebody, they stab you in the back, or do something really terrible to you. I don’t understand why some people are so mean. 
