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代孕成风? 1)Surrogacy on the Rise


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Sarah Jessica Parker baby  Host: This week Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband Matthew Broderick revealed they’re expecting twins with the help of a surrogate mother. The Sex and the City star and her husband join a long line of celebrities—and regular folks—who’ve chosen this path to parenthood. As NBC’s Rehema Ellis reports, surrogacy has become a booming industry. 
  (News Report) 
  The star of Sex and the City and her real-life leading man have joined a growing list of the rich-and-famous expanding their families through surrogacy, but it’s not just for celebrities. Michael and Melissa Mussman’s six-month old son Sean was born through a surrogate mother using a 2)donor egg and the father’s 3)sperm
  Melissa Mussman: I had gone through 4)radiation treatments and really didn’t know what the inside looked like…there was a lot of damage done to that area. I just didn’t want to transfer an 5)embryo and then 6)miscarry
  Surrogacy became a widespread option for parenting in the 1970s with 7)in vitro fertilization. There are no precise numbers on how many occur each year, because despite the celebrity 8)fanfare around surrogacy, not everyone tells. Several states, including New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and the District of Columbia refuse to recognize surrogacy contracts at all. That’s why the Mussmans, a Brooklyn couple, hired a surrogate in Illinois, where the practice is recognized. 
  Michael Mussman: In the state of New York, it is illegal to compensate someone to carry a baby for you. 
  Parker and Broderick’s twin daughters are expected to be born this summer through surrogacy, a practice that’s giving more and more people a way to parent.  
  Host: And joining us this morning are some women who have had children through surrogacy. You probably recognize Joan Lunden, the longest-running host of early morning television, currently hosting Health Corner on Lifetime. She’s also the mother of two sets of twins through a surrogate—Max and Kate, and Kim and Jack. Also joining us is Surrogate Attorney Melissa Brisman, who had three children with the help of a surrogate. Ladies, great to have you, good morning to both of you. 
  Lunden and Brisman: Nice to be here. 
  Host: Joan, you were one of the first to talk about this publicly, and I wonder at the time if you thought there would be some kind of 9)backlash, or if people would….you point out people said “Oh, she must be selfish for having another woman wanting to carry the baby.” 


  Lunden: Um…to me the having of children is the  10)antithesis of being selfish, and, you know, these days we are a generation that is having trouble 11)conceiving. So these are medical miracles that are wonderful, that give 12)viable options to people. I talked about it because, quite clearly, I knew I couldn’t come in under the radar with this one, but also because, you know, you usually hear on the news only the sad stories, the terrible endings, and I wanted there to be some 13)counterbalance. We had a wonderful experience. If you do it right, you do your homework, and you get, you know, good legal help so that contracts are drawn up ahead of time, you can have a wonderful experience and end up with the babies, and that’s what it’s all about, it’s parenting. 
  Host: Have…have…have the celebrities we’re talking about now, the Dennis Quaids, the Angela Bassetts, has that helped the cause or hurt it, do you think? 
  Lunden: Well maybe it brings it out so it’s talked about, certainly I’m here today, you asked me to be here today. The only thing I worry about is this 14)sensationalistic 15)scrutiny of how they go about it. They ask questions that, quite frankly, your neighbor shouldn’t ask you, let alone the public who doesn’t even know you, and I always worry that it might discourage a woman out there from using a viable option that’s available to her, so that’s why I always want to bring it back to center. This is about creating families, and if she was getting a heart transplant, or a liver transplant, we wouldn’t be questioning her motives! 
  Host: Melissa, when a young couple comes to you and looks for advice…I mean this is a process, right? (Brisman: Absolutely!) It’s gonna cost them a fair amount of money and it’s gonna take a lot of time, (Brisman: Absolutely!) so what do you tell them? 
  Brisman: Well, the first thing I go over is the whole process and how emotional it is, because it’s really not usually a question of whether or not you can have a baby this way because it is a viable option, but it comes with a host of emotions, and things, and all sorts of people that need to be put together…It really does take a small village, but it is a viable option. And lay people do it all the time in our office, and we find over 200 carriers a year for couples, and they’re all your normal everyday couples, with the exception of a few celebrities that come through, and they’re no different than anybody else. A celebrity who comes, and an ordinary couple, they want the same thing; they want a family. 
  Host: But Joan, you know, you know, to some degree it’s still controversial, because it’s legal aspects wrapped up in emotional aspects, right? If the…if the 16)gestational carrier wants to reduce if it’s twins, that’s gonna be her right, yes? 
  Lunden: Yeah, now you just hit on something, though. I think the safest way to go, for anybody out there that’s considering it, is having a gestational carrier who is not related, so that she’s not related to the baby, and yes, you have to decide everything up front. If you put in more than one embryo are you going to do selective reduction? You both have to agree. How much contact are you going to have during the pregnancy? And afterwards, I mean, our surrogate Deborah Bolig, she was out in Ohio, one of the states that’s, you know, good for this. She’s a part of our lives. You know, she’ll get flowers…
  Host: You still keep in contact? 
  Lunden: Oh on Mother’s Day coming up she’s getting flowers from us! She is very much a part of our family, and I want our children to know her and to…to be thankful for what she did.  




  Opinion 1 
  From what I’ve heard, you have to be a millionaire to go through with it. If you are loaded, go for it. If you are strapped for cash, you’ll have to find another option. 
  Tips: 代孕产子虽然越来越流行,但毕竟费用不菲,并不是所有人都承担得起。对于那些富得流油(be loaded)的人来说,代孕自然是选择之一,但对于那些钱根紧缩、日子过得紧巴巴(be strapped for cash)的人而言,恐怕还得另找出路了。 
  Opinion 2 
  Look at these celebrities. They don’t want to take time off work or ruin their careers by getting preggers, so they get someone to do it for them. If they are so busy, they shouldn’t be having kids.  

  Tips: 普通夫妇选择代孕产子的最大动机可能是不孕不育,相比而言,名人们的动机就复杂得多。许多明星是为了不影响自己的演艺事业而放弃十月怀胎生子的机会,转而寻求代孕妈妈帮忙。get preggers = get pregnant。preggers是英国俚语,表示怀孕的。不过说话者显然对这种行为不甚赞成,她认为,既然明星们那么忙,那他们根本就不应该养孩子。 
  Opinion 3 
  Of course it’s right! Surrogacy is giving children to couples who wouldn’t be able to have children otherwise. If you don’t agree, you need your head read.  
  Tips: 作为一项医学进步,代孕的确给那些无法生育的人带来了福音。这位说话者甚至偏激地说,谁不同意这个说法,他的脑子一定出问题了(you need your head read)。“read”这个词在这里表示扫描脑电波的意思,因此,“you need your head read/examined”也就通常意译为“你脑子出问题了/脑子进水了”等意思。 
  Opinion 4 
  There are so many children who need homes already in the world. Infertile couples should be adopting. 
  Tips: 这位说话者认为这个世界上需要家庭温暖的孩子已经够多了,无法生育的夫妇们(infertile couples)认养孩子就好啦,又何必苦苦强求于代孕生子呢? 
  Opinion 5 
  I read about that singer, Clay Aiken. He got his friend to put a bun in the oven for him. Now the gays think they can start a family. It’s not natural.  
  Tips: 《美国偶像》第二季亚军克莱·艾肯早前大方承认自己是“男同性恋(gay)”,并通过试管婴儿的方式把自己的精子和他好朋友、音乐制作人Jaymes Foster的卵子结合。如今他已经拥有自己的儿子,开始了他的家庭生活。“to put a bun in the oven”就是使某人受孕的意思,多数用于非自然受孕的情 
  Opinion 6 
  These surrogate mothers are poor women who are getting knocked up for cash. It’s absolute exploitation! 
  Tips: 我们关注代孕,关注那些寻求代孕帮助的群体,却很少关注提供代孕服务的这一群代孕妈妈。这类人一般都是为了生计(be knocked up for cash)而出卖肚皮的人,比如现在印度出现的代孕妈妈群体,她们提供代孕服务的收入可达到普通人年收入的10倍。不过相比起她们必须承担的艰辛和付出的情感来说,这点收入就显得微不足道了。怪不得说话者要大呼“这真是剥削啊!”(It’s absolute exploitation!) 
  Opinion 7 
  Sometimes adoption has too many hoops to jump through. Everyone has the right to have a child that is biologically theirs. Surrogacy is making genuine, loving families.  
  Tips: 前面有人提到领养,其实领养的过程也是条款多多、障碍重重。“jump through hoops”就表示要付出很多努力才能得到你想要的东西或达到你想要的程度。再说了,每个人都有权利拥有一个与自己有血缘关系的孩子。因此,代孕能够造就更多相亲相爱的家庭呢。 
  Opinion 8 
  Regardless of how a baby comes into this world, the only thing we need to worry about is that the baby is loved and cared for. As long as Bubs is the priority, everything else is inconsequential. 
  Tips: 不管小孩子是通过何种途径来到这世上的,我们关心的只是他能不能得到关爱。只要我们把关注的重点放在孩子上,其他事情再不符合逻辑都没关系。Bubs是美国口语,表示“小家伙、小弟弟”。
