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掌控主动权 Get Control 选自电影《没我的日子》

my life without me  剧情简介:24岁的安是两个孩子的妈妈,经济拮据的一家人住在安妈妈后院的汽车旅馆里。不幸的是,在一次身体检查中,安得知自己患上了绝症,她当即决定隐瞒自己罹患癌症的事实,并在日记本上郑重地写下了余下三个月的时光想要完成的愿望—给孩子准备18岁之前每年的生日贺卡、为丈夫找到新的妻子和去监狱探望多年未见的父亲。从那以后,安就按照计划一步一步地进行。下面这段对话,发生在安与她的主治医生之间,她希望主治医生能帮她保管她为两个女儿录制的生日祝福,并在每年的生日之际交给她们。

发音:美式发音 语速:160词/分钟 使用方法:精听+复述
  Doctor: Hello, Ann.
  Ann: ①Just some kind of 1)therapy to get over your shyness?
  Doctor: Something like that. So you didn’t come last week.
  Ann: ②There didn’t seem to be a lot of points.
  Doctor: I have to give you a further scan and a fuller 2)biopsy.
  Ann: OK. No, no, I’m sorry. I don’t want any of those things, OK? I’m sorry, I don’t want to…I need to feel like I’ve got some control. So I don’t want any more tests if they’re not going to save me, OK? I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to die here. I will not have the only thing my kids remember about me be a hospital ward.
  Doctor: So why are you here then?
  Ann: It’s this package. I want you to look after it for me.
  Doctor: I don’t know. What is it?
  Ann: I’ve recorded birthday messages for both of my daughters, for every birthday till they’re eighteen.
  Doctor: And you want me to give these to them? Why don’t you ask your husband?
  Ann: ’Cause... ’cause Don, you know, he’d lose them or maybe he’d give them to them next year, and maybe the year after that, I don’t know…or maybe he’d give them to them all at once. They wouldn’t understand a thing if he did that, so...can you just tell me you’ll do it, please.
  Doctor: I’ll only do it if you promise to come here every week and I have to give you 3)medication. I would imagine that the 4)nausea’s got worse, you’re not eating. Dying is not as easy as it looks, you know? But there’s no need for you to have to feel terrible all the time.
  Ann: It’s just...It’s just I’m kind of afraid I’m going to come in here one day and then I’m never gonna leave...and I’ve got so much I have to do before I die, I have so many things I have to do, and like, I have to do them, or...
  Doctor: It’ll only be for just some 5)painkillers. I promise we won’t do any more tests, just something to ease the pain. And anyway...I brought you some candies.
  Ann: So you’ll look after it for me?
  Doctor: Of course. Let’s just say it’s a part of your therapy.
  Ann: God. These candies are so good.

  Smart Sentences
  ① Just some kind of therapy to get over your shyness? 只是克服你羞怯的治疗方法?
  get over: overcome a problem or a difficulty(克服困难,解决问题)。例如:
  The city is trying to get over the power shortage.
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
  ② There didn’t seem to be a lot of points. 那些(治疗)好像没什么用。
  there doesn’t seem to be a point: a particular action has no purpose or would not be useful(无意义)。例如:
  There doesn’t seem to be any point to stay any longer.
  Similar Expression: it’s pointless…
  Suitable Occasion: oral, informal
