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Trouble in Paradise 谎话连篇 选自电影《我为蜜月狂》

我为蜜月狂  剧情简介:刚刚步入40岁大关的埃迪·坎特劳是一家体育用品商店的老板。在参加前未婚妻的婚礼时大受刺激,开始重整精神,准备找一个女人共度余生。恰在此时,他在街头遇见了迷人的金发女郎莱拉,两人一起步入了婚姻的殿堂。随后他们选择到充满异域风情的墨西哥海边度蜜月。在那里埃迪与米兰达偶遇,两人相见恨晚并坠入爱河。于是,埃迪不得不每天编造各种各样的谎言在两个女人中间周旋,下面这段对话正是埃迪与米兰达约会回来,对自己的妻子莱拉满口胡言。整个故事轻松搞笑,让人啼笑皆非。

发音:美式发音 语速:170词/分钟 使用方法:精听+复述
  Eddie: Hey, baby! Eddie Bear’s home! And boy do I got a story for you.
  Lila: Well, I hope so. Seeing that you’ve been gone all day.
  Eddie: Honey, Guess what happened? I go downstairs to get your breakfast. ①Who do I run into out of the clear blue?
  Lila: Who?
  Eddie: Yvon Chouinard!
  Lila: Who?
  Eddie: ②Yvon Chouinard, big cheese at Patagonia.
  Lila: And?
  Eddie: And? Come on, honey. Patagonia’s like my biggest supplier. I carry their entire line. You know that. So Yvon and his buddies are going out golfing. Water?
  Lila: No.
  Eddie: They ask me if I want to go. So what am I gonna do? Say no? No. Right?
  Lila: But you didn’t bring your clubs.
  Eddie: I 1)demoed a set! Taylor Made! Sweet too! Added like 30 extra yards to my drives!
  Lila: Who were the buddies?
  Eddie: Just a couple of guys. This guy Lenny from Akron, insurance guy. Kind of a 2)stiff but good golfer. And the local Patagonia rep.
  Lila: What was his name?
  Eddie: His name was Six-toe.
  Lila: Six-toe?
  Eddie: Yeah, Six-toe. 3)Amputee, Lost four toes scaling up Everest. Did it without 4)oxygen. One of those guys. By the way, amazingly, he showed me. Retained the outer toes. Lost the middle stuff but kept the balance points which are all you need. In fact he says it gives him a better swing because he swings right through the ball less resistance. Fascinating guy.
  Lila: Eddie, since when has golf taken seven hours?
  Eddie: Yeah, well we got behind a Korean couple. So...but I’ll tell you it actually worked to my advantage because we got to talk shop. And ③if things pan out the way I think they might, we could be talking about some really sweet credit terms for the store.
  Lila: Why didn’t you call me? ④I’ve been worried sick about you.
  Eddie: Honey, I did! You get a mile outside of this place ⑤it’s like trying to get reception on the moon!
  Lila: What are you doing? Are you going somewhere?
  Eddie: Lila, I just told you I’m taking them out to dinner in five minutes.
  Lila: When did you say that?
  Eddie: Okay. First of all, these people...let me explain something to you. These people…okay, they’re 5)primed. This opportunity... do you understand? This is the head of an incredibly important outerwear company. International, okay? ⑥They have taken the bait and now I just gotta 6)gaff ’em, get ’em in the boat and club ’em to death. Kill time, honey. Kill time. ⑦I can’t let the air out. Then all the momentum I built up all day just 7)evaporates. By the way, shouldn’t take too long because they started dropping back the shots about two hours ago. So...very interested in anything anybody has to say. So you know it’s gonna be good.
  Lila: All right. Well, hang on a sec. Let me put on some makeup.
  Eddie: You’re coming?
  Lila: Of course I’m coming.
  Eddie: Yes! Good! Sweet!


The Heartbreak Kid
  Smart Sentences
  ① Who do I run into out of the clear blue? 在这种除了蓝天就是大海的地方我竟然遇到了谁?
  run into sb.: meet sb. unexpectedly(意外碰见)。例如:
  I ran into my college roommate in the cinema last night.
  ② Yvon Chouinard, big cheese at Patagonia. 伊恩·修纳德,巴塔哥尼亚(户外用品公司)的头号人物。
  big cheese: someone who is very important in an organization or a field(在一个机构里或一个行业里的大人物)。例如:
  Being smart and working hard, it doesn’t take long for Newman to become the big cheese in the research institute.
  ③ If things pan out the way… 如果事情进展顺利……
  pan out: sth. produces a useful and valuable result(成功,有成效)。例如:
  If my job search pans out, I’ll leave in two months.
  ④ I’ve been worried sick about you. 我担心死你了。
  worried sick: extremely worried(非常担心)。例如:
  My mother had been worried sick about me after the earthquake.
  ⑤ It’s like trying to get reception on the moon! 手机信号就像月球上那么糟糕。
  it’s like trying to get reception on the moon: used to indicate how hard it is to get signal reception(用以表达接收信号之难)。例如:
  It’s like trying to get reception on the moon here. I guess that’s because we are underground.
  ⑥ They have taken the bait. 他们已经上钩了。
  take the bait: react to sth. exactly as sb. intends you to(上钩,上当)。例如:
  When they try to lower the price by one-third, don’t take the bait.
  ⑦ I can’t let the air out. 我不能错失良机。
  let the air out: to lose faith or motivation(失去信心,绝望)。例如:
  There are three more weeks to go before the NMET. Don’t let the air out and hang on.
