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与疟疾抗争 Fighting With Malaria(2)

  Yvonne: Six years ago I lost one of my musicians. I'd come from Gabon to perform—it was South Africa's 10th anniversary since we had our freedom—and it was an amazing trip that we had. Little did I know that, when we'd get home, one of my musicians would have contracted malaria from Gabon. And when we got home, three days later she died of 5)cerebral malaria. So for me it was so 6)traumatizing because she was 38 at that time and she had left a nine-year-old boy, so it made me want to do something.

  Lucy: What were the 7)symptoms? I mean, did you know that she was ill?
  Yvonne: Well, we actually didn't know. You know, she just complained of headaches and fever and things like that, and she went to the doctor and the doctor said, “You've got fever”, and so for me she was 8)misdiagnosed. You know, if I knew what I've known now [sic] I would have insisted that she go for malaria test [sic] and “you do this, you do that”because it is preventable, and it's curable.

  But I think God works in wonders because six months down the line I got a call from UNICEF. They wanted a goodwill ambassador. And when I told them about my story, and I said “If I have to air my views, if I have to be educated, if I have to educate people there as well, I want to do…to deal with malaria.” And when I had…had learned that malaria kills 3,000 people a day, that was even more 9)traumatic for me. I said to myself, “I know people have been doing something, people have been helping, but I need to get on board and do something.” And that's how it started.
  但我觉得上帝的力量是很神奇的,因为六个月后,我收到了来自联合国儿童基金会的电话。他们要找一位亲善大使,我就告诉他们我身边的这个故事,我说:“如果要我说出自己的看法,要我接受培训,要我去教育他人,我想做……处理疟疾这方面的工作。”后来当我知道每天有三千人死于疟疾的时候,更是觉得痛心。我对自己说:“我知道一直有人在努力,在帮忙改善情况,但我也要加入,要尽我的一份力。” 我就是这样开始的。

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