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与疟疾抗争 Fighting With Malaria

与疟疾抗争 Fighting With 1)Malaria

  而世界上总有那么一些人,不知疲倦地做着公益事业。他们默默无闻地做了不少事情,却又几乎不为人知晓。如同本期为你介绍的南非女歌手Yvonne Chaka Chaka一样。让我们来看看她在音乐家的身份之外,为着非洲的抗疟疾事业中,做过些什么,又有过哪些经历和故事。

  Lucy: Hello. I'm Lucy Ashe with some extraordinary personal stories from around the world.
  Now Yvonne Chaka Chaka is known to many as the “Princess of Africa”. Nelson Mandela refers to her as one of his daughters. Born in Dobsonville, Soweto, she first shot to fame with a song called “I'm in Love with A DJ” and another dance-floor hit about the pleasures of drinking beer. She's since recorded 20 2)albums, but she's also found the time to work as one of 3)UNICEF's goodwill ambassadors, campaigning to prevent malaria and HIV.
Yvonne Chaka Chaka  如今伊冯娜·查卡·查卡名声在外,人称“非洲公主”。 纳尔逊·曼德拉还称她为自己的女儿。伊冯娜在南非索威托地区的朵森维尔出生,以一曲《恋上DJ》和以畅饮啤酒为主题的另一大热舞曲一举成名。自此,她先后灌录了20张大碟,同时她还挤出时间担任联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,宣扬预防疟疾及艾滋病的信息。
  Yvonne has spent the last 18 months traveling around Africa to investigate improvements in health care and in the rights of women and children. The result is a documentary, “The Motherland Tour: a Journey of African Women”, which is being screened in London ahead of the gathering of world leaders in New York next week. They're meeting to discuss the progress of the Millennium Development Goals, which aim to 4)drastically reduce poverty, disease and hunger by 2015.
  When Yvonne came into our studio in London, she started off by telling me that she had a very personal reason to want to get involved.

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