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   End of an Era: Oprah Winfrey’s Emotional Farewell

奥普拉·温弗瑞  Oprah: You know, I actually started to feel it when I…when I had the option, you know, well, the question was do I leave in two thousand and…you know how I like numbers. Do I… (Host: I know, I know.) So the question was do I leave in 2010—that’s an even number!—or do I, you know, try to make the 25th? And also it just comes to the point of, as I do the show every day, how much longer do I think I can be hundred percent present, still stimulated, stimulating for the audience? Do I think I could do that, you know, past 2011? And the answer is no, because the show is one hundred percent harder to do now than it was when I first started.
  Oprah in her first show: Welcome to the very first session of Oprah Winfrey Show!
  Back in 1986 she was a little-known talk show host making her national debut. Today, Oprah Winfrey is a one-woman multimedia 1)conglomerate, and everyone knows her on a first-name basis.
  Woman 1: I mean Oprah’s been on the air for forever. She’s kind of a part of everyone’s life.
  Woman 2: She’s an icon.
  Many Oprah fans tell me they’re shocked by her decision to 2)pull the plug on her show next September. She told her audience and viewers at home that they’ve enriched her life beyond measure.
  Woman 3: When the cameras were done rolling and she came back and said, “You know I just, I really do want to thank everybody and it means, you know you mean so much to me.” So she said it again, which was really nice.
  It was 3)vintage Oprah, relatable and emotional.
  Woman 4: Everybody seemed pretty sad and got emotional with her. I got a little teary-eyed, and yeah. Yeah.
  Reporter: She cried?
  Woman 4: Yes, she did. Yeah, she had her…catch her breath, and she got emotional. Big day.
  There are restrictions on showing you the video just yet, but here’s a taste of what Oprah told her viewers. “Why walk away and make next season the last?” she asked, “Here’s the real reason. I love this show! This show has been my life, and I love it enough to know when to say goodbye. 25 years feels right in my bones, and it feels right in my spirit.”
  Winfrey has been the highest-rated daytime talk show host for most of her quarter century on national TV. We watched her chat with celebrities…
  Oprah on the show with Tom Cruise: I’ve never seen you like this!
  …surprise her audience, build an empire, and endorse a president in her spare time. There were embarrassments, like the Oprah Book Club selection that turned out to be  4)bogus. But for most of her fans it’s always been “all about Oprah”, her long-time struggle with her weight speaking volumes about her “I’m-a-lot-like-you” appeal.
  Oprah: I am mad at myself. I am embarrassed. I can’t believe I’m still talkin’ about weight.
  Oprah’s common touch has given her the 5)Midas touch. She’s worth an estimated $2.7 billion. She’s sinking some of her fortune into a new cable TV venture, the Oprah Winfrey Network. It’s scheduled to debut in January 2011, just a few months after she ends her 6)reign as the queen of daytime talk.
  [注]Ellen DeGeneres: I don’t think I could be here without her. I think she has 7)blazed a trail that is…. She’s an amazing, amazing woman.

西蒙·考威尔  Is Simon Cowell Killing American Idol?

  Simon: I was offered a lot of money to stay on the show, and everyone thought I was posturing to negotiate more money, etc, etc, but it actually wasn’t the case. I just felt like doing something new.
  George (Host): Simon Cowell says he’s leaving American Idol after the 2010 season, which does 8)premiere tonight. Is he jumping the shark because he thinks ‘Idol’ has jumped the shark? Brianna Golodrieger is here with more.
  Brianna: First Oprah and now Simon. What are we gonna watch after next year? Well, Simon isn’t leaving television, but he is leaving American Idol. We know that’s the 9)epitome of a programming cash cow. It brought in a billion dollars in ad revenue a year last year. And while gathering his sharp tongue, we know that this host is gonna have the lucrative job in history—the most lucrative job we’ve seen so far—but yesterday Simon Cowell announced that this would be his last season. So what happens next, when television’s most famous judge leaves the show he put on the map?
  Simon’s Comment 1: The problem I have is that you don’t look like an American idol. (Contestant: Says who?)
  Brianna: The man known for telling it like it is …
  Simon’s Comment 2: That was horrible! It was like—and I’ve said this before—like a horrible, horrible wedding performance.
  Simon’s Comment 3: And you look like one of those creatures that live in the jungle with those massive eyes.
  Simon’s Comment 4: Did you really believe that you could become the American Idol? (Contestant: Yes, sir.) Well then you’re deaf.
  Brianna: …is leaving the very show that made him a household name. After months of speculating whether he would stay or go, Simon informed the television critics of America he was saying goodbye to Idol but not to FOX. His new co-host, Ellen, lamented his departure on her show.
  Ellen DeGeneres: He announced he’s leaving on my first day. I’m trying not to take it personally.
  Brianna: Simon, along with his sharp tongue, will bring an American version of his hit British talent competition, The X-Factor, across the pond…
  Simon’s Comment 5: You look like a man dressed as a woman.
  Brianna: …to FOX in 2011. Reports say he even approached a certain former co-star to join him.
  Paula Abdul: You’ve moved me from the beginning.
  Brianna: Critics agree that, if everything goes according to plan, the new show will be a hit for the network.
  TV Critics: …believe the audience will travel with Simon, so no matter what happens there’s going to be a large segment of the Idol population that will go with him wherever he goes.
  Brianna: But after Paula and Simon’s departure, the fate of Idol may not be guaranteed.
  Simon’s Comment 6: It was a little bit like a(an)…annoying girl singing in the bedroom. (Contestant: I think that’s a bit much.) Sowee. (as a small child might say ‘sorry’)
  Brianna: Now it is estimated that Cowell rakes in between 36 to 50 million dollars a year from Idol, but he stands to make a lot more money from X-Factor, where he won’t only be a judge, but also a producer. His production company also created the 10)franchise so all the profit will go directly into his pocket, not FOX or any 11)subsidiaries. I know that sounds like a lot of money, George, but if you think about it, they had 26 million viewers last season. That’s a lot of viewers.
  George: A lot of viewers, but that is also a lot of money. Thanks Brianna. Joining us now is editor of the Wall Street Journal Speakeasy Culture Blog, Christopher John Farley. Good to see you.
  Farley: Thanks for having me. ’preciate it.
  George: So, there’s no question that Cowell is leaving because he stands to make an awful lot of money if X-Factor is a hit, but is he also calculating that Idol’s best days are over?
  Farley: Well, you know, ratings have been slipping. They’re down 7.8% from last year, but the show is still strong, I mean it still pulls in double the ratings of some other hits, so it’s not like Idol’s going away any time soon. And also, Simon Cowell may be leaving the show, but he’s not leaving the format. If you’ve seen X-Factor, it’s almost exactly like Idol. I mean he’s sitting there …
  George: It’s more broad.
  Farley: Right. Because the age range is broader; there’s no age restrictions, but he’s still there judging people, putting people down, raising other people up. So Simon Cowell is not leaving the format. He’s still gonna be front and centre in American pop culture, so it’s not that big a change when you think about that for FOX and X-Factor is also gonna be on FOX.
  George: Well that’s true. They’re both on FOX.

  乔治:的确很多,这也意味着很多收益。感谢布兰娜。现在加入谈话的是来自《华尔街》杂志“地下酒吧文化博客”的编辑克里斯托弗·约翰·法利, 你好。
  注:Ellen DeGeneres,美国著名主持人。她主持的同名脱口秀《Ellen DeGeneres Show》是CBS的王牌节目,收视率居高不下。《Oprah Winfrey Talk Show》即将落下帷幕的消息传出,CNN做了一个“谁将是下一个Oprah Winfrey”的调查,结果Ellen DeGeneres以78%的支持率高居榜首。无独有偶,在她顶替离开的Paula Abdul出任《美国偶像》评委不久,西蒙·考威尔就宣布他将离开《美国偶像》。Ellen DeGeneres能否拯救如今前途浮沉的《美国偶像》,也因此成为大家最关注的事情。
