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  The King's Speech ruled at the Academy Awards, winning Best Picture of the Year, and with Oscars awarded to Colin Firth (Best Leading Actor), David Seidler (Best Original Screenplay), and Tom Hooper (Best Director).
  So, how do you think this movie—with no violence, no sex scenes, no mysterious plot, and main characters who are middle-aged men—caught the hearts of millions? For one, the king's fear of public speaking is highly relatable.
  When it comes to 1)oratory skills, even if you don't have a 2)stammering problem, many of us find it challenging to make a speech. Whether it's simply 3)stage fright or the occasional 4)stutter, if you're giving a presentation at work, chances are you'll need to 5)brush up on some skills to become convincing and confident at the 6)podium.

从《国王的演讲》看公开演讲之道  While you may not have skills as 7)eloquent as President Obama's, there are four critical elements we must keep in mind in order to become an effective speaker:
  1. Dress the part. In front of an audience, you automatically put yourself and, more importantly, your image on display. All eyes will be on you. Ensure that you have covered the finer points—hair brushed, shoes cleaned, clothes ironed, nails cleaned and clipped. If your appearance is 8)impeccable you will speak confidently and appear 9)authoritative.
  1. 衣着得体。面对听众时,你已自动地将你自己——或者更重要的是,将你的形象展示出来。所有的目光都会聚焦在你的身上。要确认你已经注意到所有的细节——头发梳整齐了,鞋擦干净了,衣服熨烫过了,指甲清洁干净且修剪整齐了。如果你的外表形象无可挑剔,你在演讲的时候会更自信,显得更具权威。

  2. Own the topic. Be prepared to know the subject inside and out, backward and forward. Don't forget to practice, practice, practice.
  2. 掌握话题。做好准备工作,把演讲的主题里里外外、前前后后地彻底了解清楚。谨记练习、练习、再练习。
  3. Keep it simple. Ever listened to a speaker 10)drone on and on and completely miss their point? Don't be that guy or 11)gal. Your message should be 12)concise and easy to summarize in one sentence. Focus on three or four main points and make sure they clearly tie back to your thesis.
  3. 保持简洁。你传达的信息应该简明扼要且很容易用一句话来概括。重点讲述三四个要点,且确保它们与你的论点明显地密切相关。
  4. Consider every angle. Yes, this means to prepare yourself and, of course, your speech for potential holes before you present it. Know your audience and prepare your presentation based on that knowledge. If you have responses ready, you will be able to quickly and efficiently 13)dismiss critiques, looking even more knowledgeable in the process. Look at challenges to your point of view as an opportunity to show how 14)flawless your argument really is.
  4. 多角度思考。是的,这就意味着在演讲之前,为你自己——当然还有你的演讲所可能出现的纰漏做好准备。了解你的听众,在此基础上准备你的演讲。如果你已经准备好回应质疑,你就能够快速且有效地消除批评,甚至在这一过程中显得更有见地。将他人对你的观点的挑战看成是一种机遇,以展示你的论证实际上是多么地完美无缺。
