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网络时代的隐私风险 Tracking Is an Assault on Liberty, with Real Dangers


  Today, as companies strive to personalize the services and advertisements they provide over the Internet, the surreptitious1) collection of personal information is rampant2). The very idea of privacy is under threat.

Tracking Is an Assault on Liberty, with Real Dangers

  Most of us view personalization and privacy as desirable things, and we understand that enjoying more of one means giving up some of the other. To have goods, services and promotions tailored to our personal circumstances and desires, we need to divulge3) information about ourselves to corporations, governments or other outsiders.

  This tradeoff4) has always been part of our lives as consumers and citizens. But now, thanks to the Net, we’re losing our ability to understand and control those tradeoffs—to choose, consciously and with awareness of the consequences, what information about ourselves we disclose and what we don’t. Incredibly detailed data about our lives are being harvested from online databases without our awareness, much less our approval.

  We often assume that we’re anonymous as we go about our business online. As a result, we treat the Net not just as a shopping mall but as a personal diary. Through the sites we visit and the searches we make, we disclose details not only about our jobs, hobbies, families, politics and health, but also about our secrets, fantasies, even our peccadilloes5).

  But our sense of anonymity is largely an illusion. Pretty much everything we do online is recorded, stored in cookies and corporate databases, and connected to our identities, either explicitly through our user names, credit-card numbers and the IP addresses assigned to our computers, or implicitly through our searching, surfing and purchasing histories.

  A few years ago, the computer consultant Tom Owad6) published the results of an experiment that provided a chilling lesson in just how easy it is to extract sensitive personal data from the Net. Mr. Owad wrote a simple piece of software that allowed him to download public wish lists that Amazon.com customers post to catalog7) products that they plan to purchase or would like to receive as gifts. These lists usually include the name of the list’s owner and his or her city and state. Mr. Owad then searched the data for controversial or politically sensitive books and authors. He ended up with maps of the United States showing the locations of people interested in particular books and ideas. Mr. Owad concluded, “Today it is increasingly easy to monitor ideas. And then track them back to people.”

  What Mr. Owad did by hand can increasingly be performed automatically, with data-mining8) software that draws from many sites and databases. In 2006, a team of scholars from the University of Minnesota described how easy it is for data-mining software to create detailed personal profiles of individuals. The software is based on a simple principle: People tend to leave lots of little pieces of information about themselves and their opinions in many different places on the Web. By identifying correspondences among the data, sophisticated algorithms can identify individuals with extraordinary precision. And it’s not a big leap from there to discovering the people’s names.

  “You have zero privacy.” Scott McNealy9) remarked back in 1999, when he was chief executive of Sun Microsystems. While Internet companies may be complacent10) about the erosion11) of personal privacy, the rest of us should be wary12). There are real dangers.
  “你们毫无隐私可言。” 斯科特·麦克尼利早在1999年就曾这样断言,其时他担任太阳微系统公司的总裁。网络公司也许会对能够侵犯个人隐私而沾沾自喜,但我们普通人可就要小心了。这里存在着真正的危险。

  First and most obvious is the possibility that our personal data will fall into the wrong hands. Powerful data-mining tools are available not only to legitimate13) corporations and researchers, but also to con men and creeps. Criminal syndicates14) can use purloined15) information about our identities to commit financial fraud, and stalkers16) can use locational data to track our whereabouts.

  The first line of defense is, of course, common sense. We need to take personal responsibility for the information we share whenever we log on. But no amount of17) caution will protect us from the dispersal of information collected without our knowledge. If we’re not aware of what data about us are available online, and how they’re being used and exchanged, it can be difficult to guard against abuses.

  A second danger is the possibility that personal information may be used to influence our behavior and even our thoughts in ways that are invisible to us. Personalization’s evil twin is manipulation. As mathematicians and marketers refine data-mining algorithms, they gain more precise ways to predict people’s behavior as well as how they’ll react when they’re presented with online ads and other digital stimuli.

  As marketing pitches and product offerings become more tightly tied to our past patterns of behavior, they become more powerful as triggers of future behavior. Already, advertisers are able to infer extremely personal details about people by monitoring their Web-browsing habits. They can then use that knowledge to create ad campaigns customized to particular individuals. The line between personalization and manipulation is a fuzzy one, but one thing is certain: We can never know if the line has been crossed if we’re unaware of what companies know about us.

  Safeguarding privacy online isn’t particularly hard. It requires that software makers and site operators assume that people want to keep their information private. Privacy settings should be on by default and easy to modify. And when companies track our behavior or use personal details to tailor messages, they should provide an easy way for us to see what they’re doing.

  The greatest danger posed by the continuing erosion of personal privacy is that it may lead us as a society to devalue the concept of privacy, to see it as outdated and unimportant. That would be a tragedy. Privacy is not just a screen we hide behind when we do something naughty or embarrassing; privacy is intrinsic to the concept of liberty. When we feel that we’re always being watched, we begin to lose our sense of self-reliance and free will and, along with it, our individuality.

  Privacy is not only essential to life and liberty; it’s essential to the pursuit of happiness, in the broadest and deepest sense. We human beings are not just social creatures; we’re also private creatures. What we don’t share is as important as what we do share. The way that we choose to define the boundary between our public self and our private self will vary greatly from person to person, which is exactly why it’s so important to be ever vigilant18) in defending everyone’s right to set that boundary as he or she sees fit.
  1. surreptitious [7sQrEp5tIFEs] adj. 暗中的,私下的,秘密的
  2. rampant [5rAmpEnt] adj. 猖獗的,蔓生的
  3. divulge [daI5vQldV] vt. 泄露,暴露
  4. tradeoff [5treIdC:f] n. (公平)交易,权衡,折衷
  5. peccadillo [pekE5dIlEu] n. 轻罪,小过失
  6. Tom Owad:汤姆·奥瓦德,美国Macintosh咨询师,网站Applefritter的创建者与编辑,著有《Apple I复制品之制作:返回车库》(Apple I Replica Creation: Back to the Garage)。
  7. catalog [5kAtElC^] vt. 列目录
  8. data-mining:数据挖掘。所谓数据挖掘,就是从大量的、不完全的、有噪声的、模糊的、随机的实际应用数据中,提取隐含在其中的、人们事先不知道的但又是潜在有用信息和知识的过程。
  9. Scott McNealy:斯科特·麦克尼利(1954~),太阳微系统公司(Sun Microsystem)的创始人之一,1984~2006年担任该公司首席执行官,之后一直担任公司董事长。
  10. complacent [kEm5pleIsnt] adj. 自满的,得意的
  11. erosion [I5rEuVEn] n. 侵蚀
  12. wary [5weErI] adj. 谨慎的,警惕的
  13. legitimate [lI5dVItImIt] adj. 合法的,合理的
  14. criminal syndicate:犯罪集团。syndicate [5sIndIkIt] n. 辛迪加(某些人或工商企业的联合组织)
  15. purloin [pE:5lCIn] vt. 偷窃,盗取
  16. stalker [5stC:kE] n. 暗中追踪者
  17. no amount of:怎么(再多)也……不
  18. vigilant [5vIdVIlEnt] adj. 警惕的,警觉的
