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日常表达背后的趣事 Amusing Stories behind Common Expressions


  Why do we say that someone who is fired “gets the sack1)”? Find out the history behind this and some other odd expressions.


  Why do we say that someone who is fired “gets the sack”?


  The ancient Romans didn’t believe in mollycoddling2) convicted felons3). Rehabilitation4) wasn’t their style. Those convicted of parricide5) or other heinous6) murders were tied in a sack and dumped into the Tiber River, instantly solving any potential recidivism7) problem. The practice spread throughout many other European countries, and, as late as the nineteenth century, murderers in Turkey were tossed into the Bosporus in a sack. To get the sack, then, probably was used figuratively8) as a threat of any sort of punishment, such as losing one’s job.

  Another theory to explain how “get the sack” was recorded is that it referred to craftsmen of the Middle Ages. Artisans9) carried their tools in sacks; while they worked, they handed the sacks to their employers. When a craftsman got the sack, it meant that his services no longer were required. He left, literally, holding the bag.



  Why do we say that someone who has appropriated someone else’s ideas or future remarks has “stolen thunder from the victim”?


  John Dennis, an English poet and playwright, wrote a tragedy called Appius and Virginia, which was produced in 1709 to less than rousing commercial success. Only one element of the production stirred the audience: thunder sound effects more realistic than any heard before on the stage, effects that Dennis himself created.

  The play failed, but the theater’s next production didn’t. Dennis went to check out a successful production of Macbeth and was more than a little upset to discover that his sound effects were used in the storm scenes of Shakespeare’s tragedy.

  Different sources vary slightly in describing what Dennis exclaimed upon hearing “his” thunder help promote the new production, but they are all variations of Stuart Berg Flexner10)’s quote: “See how the rascals11) use me! They will not let my play run, and yet they steal my thunder!” I’m sure that Dennis would be even more embittered12) to learn that the only phrase of his that has gained immortality is his expression of sour grapes.




  Why is a final effort called “last ditch”?


  Anyone who fought in a war has probably hoped that the trench he was in was the “last ditch” he would ever see. Most of us would guess that the ditch referred to in “last ditch” is a military trench rather than a farmer’s irrigation ditch, but few realize that this expression predates the two world wars.

  The first recorded use of “last ditch” was in Bishop Gilbert Burnet’s memoirs, History of My Own Time, published in the early eighteenth century: “There was a sure way never to see it [Holland] lost, and that was to die in the last ditch.” The earliest use of “last ditch” was a literal one, signifying a last stand, a last defense against an aggressive enemy. The first American citation was in a proclamation issued by the citizens of Westmoreland, Virginia, in 1798: “In War We know but one additional Obligation, To Die in the Last Ditch or uphold our nation.”



  Why is mincing13) around a subject called “beating around the bush”?


  Medieval men may not have had the thrill of flinging Frisbees, but they had a worthy counterpart, the challenging sport of batfowling14). A rare nocturnal15) sport, batfowling consisted of going into a forest or shrub-laden area and beating birds senseless with a bat. But being true sportsmen, they didn’t want to kill a defenseless bird. So before whacking16) it with the bat, they woke the bird up first, by stunning it with a harsh light, rendering the bird blind and temporarily helpless.

  Sometimes, though, the birds proved to be uncooperative, selfishly sleeping in bushes where they were invisible, instead of marching forward and offering themselves as ritual sacrifices. So batfowlers engaged servants, to literally beat adjacent bushes to rouse flocks of sleeping birds. As the stunned birds awakened and fled in panic, they would be attracted to the torch or lantern and be socked17) into unconsciousness by the batfowler.

  Although the person today who beats around the bush might not have violence on his mind, he similarly conceals or avoids the real thing that concerns him. While he might pretend to be interested in the bush, he might be more interested in the bird, or worm, lurking inside.




  Why is someone who surreptitiously18) listens to others’ conversations called “an eavesdropper”?

  为什么把鬼鬼祟祟窃听别人谈话的人叫 “屋檐滴水”?

  Eavesdropping isn’t exactly an endearing activity today, but from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries, eavesdropping was a crime in England. Back then, communities were not equipped with gutter systems, so houses were surrounded by eavesdrops, spaces all around a building where water dripped from the eaves19). The purpose of the eavesdrop was to allow a wide overhang so that rain fell far enough from the house to safeguard the security of the foundation.

  The first eavesdroppers were nefarious20) types who literally stood in the eavesdrops to overhear private conversations. Protected from the elements21) by the overhang, this low-tech espionage22) evidently faded as sewer systems rendered eavesdrops obsolete.



  1. sack [sAk] n. 大袋,麻布袋   2. mollycoddle [5mClI7kCdl] vt. 纵容
  3. felon [5felEn] n. 重罪犯   4. rehabilitation [5ri:(h)E7bIlI5teIFEn] n. (罪犯的)改造,再教育
  5. parricide [5pArI7saId] n. 弑亲罪   6. heinous [5heInEs] adj. (罪犯或罪行)十恶不赦的,令人发指的
  7. recidivism [rI5sIdIvIzEm] n. (罪行、恶行等的)累犯,重犯   8. figuratively [5fI^jErEtIvlI] adv. 比喻地,象征性地
  9. artisan [B:tI5zAn; (?@) B:rtIzn] n. 工匠,技工,手艺人
  10. Stuart Berg Flexner:斯图尔特·伯格·弗莱克斯纳(1928~1990),美国词典编纂者,因撰写美国词汇起源系列的书籍而闻名。
  11. rascal [5rB:skEl] n. 流氓,无赖   12. embittered [Im5bItEd] adj. 愤怒的,怨恨的
  13. mince [mIns] vi. 委婉地说   14. batfowl [5bAtfaul] vi. 夜晚以灯火诱捕鸟
  15. nocturnal [nCk5tE:nl] adj. 夜间的   16. whack [(h)wAk] vt. 猛击,拍打
  17. sock [sCk] vi. 猛击,重击   18. surreptitiously [7sQrEp5tIFEslI] adv. 暗中地,秘密地,偷偷摸摸地
  19. eave [i:vz] n. 屋檐   20. nefarious [nI5feErIEs] adj. 邪恶的,穷凶极恶的
  21. the elements:天气(尤指大风、大雨等恶劣天气)   22. espionage [5espIEnIdV] n. 间谍,间谍行为
