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叛逆博主韩寒 Han Han: China

  韩寒,一位中国80后的名人,早年辍学,出过几本销量很好的书,如《三重门》、《长安乱》和《他的国》等;他的博客访问量也一直居高不下,最近还开通了他的网络杂志《独唱团》;他唱过歌、出过唱片;另外他也参加赛车比赛,拿过好名次……他的背景咱就不多说了吧,但凡会上上网、看看博客的人都会对他有主动或被动的关注的。他再次受到媒体的关注是,他于2010年4月入选《时代周刊》“全球最具影响力一百人”,排名第二,得到近一百万投票,引起舆论一片哗然, 到底他的“影响力”在哪里?今天我们跟随CNN记者对他的一个采访,来了解一下吧。

  他是否实至名归,见仁见智,但有一种精神我觉得应该被捍卫,我想引用那句经典的伏尔泰名句与大家分享这一精神:I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to death your right to say it.


  Interviewer: On line and on the rise, China's internet users are growing. From just 22 million users in 2000, there are more than 404 million today, making China one of the most connected countries in the world. But China also has possibly the most 1)stringent cyber-censorship of any country, highlighted by the recent row between the government and Google. The US-based company ended up diverting its users to its uncensored Hong Kong site. Even so, it's not enough to quash the determination of the country's bloggers spreading their social commentary to the country's 2)inquisitive younger generation.

  One of those bloggers is 27-year-old Han Han. The high school drop-out's 3)striking a chord with millions of readers as he courts controversy with critical comments.

  This week on Talk Asia, we're in Shanghai with the man himself, Han Han.

  Interviewer: Han Han, welcome to Talk Asia. Now you've just made it to number two of Time magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. How did you react when you heard?

  Han Han: Generally speaking a person would react with joy, because Time is a very influential magazine. However, as a Chinese person, I feel a mixture of joy and worry.

  Interviewer: How come? I mean, why wasn't it a joyous moment for you?

  Han Han: Because normally, Chinese officials or Chinese people, they tend to over think and over 4)analyze. They would see the fact that I was included in an old-fashioned way. But, to be honest, I've always felt, including when I've been abroad, that foreigners aren't as complicated as we thought. It's, in fact, ourselves who complicate things.

  Interviewer: You've got some 300 million readers of your blog, what do you think accounts for your popularity? What do you think that the public relates to?

  Han Han: Everyday people read textbooks, government papers, or watch CCTV, or read the People's Daily. If they didn't, they would 5)collapse. They need to read my blogs and writings as well as those from other writers, because I think we tell the truth. As the exchange of information advances as the internet emerges, even though the internet is being partly censored and regulated in China, it is [sic] still opened up information. Though not completely open, it still showed the outside world to the people.

  Interviewer: What's your ultimate aim in speaking out against the establishment?


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