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八个可能被你遗忘的求职秘诀 Give Yourself an Edge in the Job Market(2)

  Tip #3: 14)Put your best foot forward at the job interview. This can be hard, especially if your feet look the same. Your friends can probably help you figure out which foot is better, but if you're still unsure, consult a 15)podiatrist.
  Tip #4: Dress for success. Too many people, unfortunately, dress for failure. Don't expect 16)Chase Bank to hire you if you're wearing a T-shirt that says “Go 17)bonkers!” The least you can do is change the second “o” to an “a”.
  提示四:穿着得体。很不幸的是,太多人的穿着都很糟糕。如果你穿着一件写有“Go bonkers!(疯了!)”字样的T恤,那可别奢望美国大通银行会聘用你。你至少可以把第二个字母“o”改成“a”吧。(编者注:此指将“bonkers”改成“bankers”,则标语意思就变成“勇往直前吧,银行家!”)
  Tip #5: 18)Groom yourself well. If you're a man, it's probably a good idea to trim your nails, mustache and any 19)unruly 20)locks of nose hair. If you're a woman, resist the temptation to dye your hair orange—unless you're applying for a job as a 21)traffic cone.

  Tip #6: Try to smell good. The most important thing you can do to smell good is take a bath, even if you've already taken one this year. You can practice water conservation AFTER the interview. A little perfume or 22)cologne would also help, but don't empty the bottle, unless you want to spend your day reviving the interviewer.
  Tip #7: Do some research. Employers are impressed when you know something about them. You might want to find out, for example, what they do. Don't ask the manager of 23)Cracker Barrel how heavy the barrels are. And don't ask the recruiter at 24)Samsung what exactly it was that Sam sung.
  提示七:事先了解一下背景资料。对雇主有所了解,能留下不错的印象。你可能需要去了解,譬如说,他们是做什么的。不要问Cracker Barrel(“饼干桶”)乡村餐厅连锁集团的经理有关“饼干桶有多重”的问题。也不要问韩国三星集团的招聘官到底“山姆在唱什么歌”。(编者注:此指将三星集团的英文名称“Samsung”拆开变成了“Sam sung(山姆唱歌)”)
  Tip #8: Don't do drugs. Most employers test for drugs and if you fail the test, you won't get a second chance, unless you're in the 25)National Football League. If you like to get 26)high several times a week, apply for a job as a flight attendant. It's safer and it won't 27)deplete your bank account. Just be careful how you greet the passengers: “Good morning! Hope you have a good fright!”

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