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求职信 A Cover Letter

求职信  求职的过程当中,除了出彩的简历之外,一封成功的求职信也能为你吸引HR的眼球。正式的求职信属于商务信函的范畴,除了无拼写和语法错误的基本要求外,求职信也有固定的格式可循。另外,求职信不宜过长,而要简单明了地介绍个人的基本情况,让招聘方对求职者有一个快速直观的了解。

发音:美式发音 语速:140词/分钟 使用方法:精听+角色扮演

  Davis: Did you see the advertisement for the Employment Fair?
  Cynthia: Sure did. I’m just giving my cover letter a once
  over now.
  Davis: I should really update mine, too. What are the key points I should address?
  Cynthia: Most importantly, you cannot have any spelling or grammar mistakes. Put the company’s address and your address at the top and try to find the name of the person you are sending the letter to and address it to them. Ideally, each cover letter should be tailor made for each position. Use language that will be recognized by the industry you work in. You have to sell yourself, but sound natural.
  注:本期选用的求职信采用的是Block Style(齐头式),这种格式的特点是:所有段落均靠左侧定格,并且段落间以空行分开。Block Style简单明了,已经成为最广泛使用的商务信函格式。
