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You Either Pack Up and You Go Home, or You Keep Fighting! 要不你就打包回家,要不就继续奋斗!


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Seabiscuit  这是一个真实的故事,Seabiscuit是一匹被载入美国史册的、拥有自己雕像的马。虽然与War Admiral一样系出名门,但它天生矮小、还有点瘸,从出生开始就没有被重视,一直被当作陪跑马来驯养,受伤后差点被枪杀;潦倒的牛仔Tom Smith救了它,并治好了它;半盲穷骑师Johnny用心驯服了它,Johnny的家庭因为大萧条家道中落,被卖到马场做骑师。后来,汽车商Charles Howard从他们的眼中看到了困境中不服输的灵光,因中年丧子而一度一蹶不振的他买了这匹马。这三个本是失败的人和这匹失败的马就开始了他们传奇的人生,人和马的执着劲头都显露出来了。他们经历了从无名到赢得西部冠军,再到参加了那场世纪大战挑战名马War Admiral,并战胜了它。后来分别断腿的Johnny和Seabiscuit又一次参加并赢得比赛,他们的坚韧和胜利在那个灰暗的年代给整个国家带来了希望,鼓舞了笼罩在大萧条的阴影中的美国人。

  Narrator: The first time he saw Seabiscuit, the colt was walking through the fog at five in the morning. Smith would say later that the horse looked right through him. He was a small horse, barely 15 1)hands. He was hurting too. There was a limp in his walk, a 2)wheezing when he breathed. Smith didn’t pay attention to that. He was looking the horse in
  the eye.
  Tom: God damn.
  Charles: Howdy.
  Tom: Hello.
  Charles: Charles Howard.
  Tom: Tom Smith.
  Charles: Nice to meet you, Tom. What’s, what’s in his bandage?
  Tom: Oh, that’s 3)hawthorn root. It increases circulation.
  Charles: Why are you fixing him?
  Tom: Every horse is good for something. You know, you don’t throw a whole life away just ’cause he’s 4)banged up
  a little.
  Charles: What exactly is it you like him?
  Tom: He’s got spirit.
  (The Santa Anita Handicap, California)
  McGlaughlin: As long as we’re talking 5)long shots, I got a real 6)doozy for you, folks. Today we got a horse that’s going off at 70:1 and that’s a short price, my friends. This horse couldn’t win a church 7)raffle, let alone a $2000 allowance. Yeah, talk about a jump in class. ①This is the 8)skunk of the garden party. Yes, he’s the surprise in the punch bowl. As a matter of fact, I’ll lay even money that this 9)nag, Seabiscuit, couldn’t even finish six 10)furlongs. This is
  11)Ticktock McGlaughlin live at Clockers’ Corner.
  Johnny: That’s it, Pops. We’re okay now. It’s all right, boy. Yeah, we’re okay. Nothing to worry about. All the time in the world, boy. That’s it, Pops. Nice lead. Just like that, boy. Just like that. What do you think, boy? You ready to go? You and me. Let’s go, boy. Let’s go. Ha! Ha! …
  (Seabiscuit won, crowd roaring)
  Narrator: In the end, it wasn’t the dams or the roads or the bridges or the parks or the tunnels or the thousands of other public projects that were built in those years. It was more invisible than that. Men who were broken only a year before suddenly felt restored. Men who’d been shattered suddenly found their voice.
  Charles: Well, I just think this horse has a lot of heart. He may have been down, but he wasn’t out. He may have lost a few, but he didn’t let it get to him. I think ②we could all learn a lick or two from this little guy. Oh, and by the way, he doesn’t know he’s little. He thinks he’s the biggest horse out there. (laughing)
  Reporter: So you got big plans for this little horse?
  Charles: Oh, yeah. See, sometimes when the little guy, he doesn’t know he’s a little guy, he can do great big things.
  Reporters: Can we get a shot here?
  Charles: See, this isn’t the finish line. The future is the finish line, and the Biscuit is just the horse to get us there.
  The owner of War Admiral: I’m glad they finally have racing in California. (laughing) Do they use Western saddles out there? (laughing) Look, comparing these two horses is ridiculous. War Admiral is a real racehorse who’s won every 12)prestigious race in America. This little colt of theirs is running out on some cow track. (laughing) If we responded to every 13)fledgling challenger who wants to make a name for themselves, it wouldn’t be fair to us. But it wouldn’t be fair to them either.
  Charles: Just a couple of announcements. If they’re too scared to come and race us, we’re gonna go find them. We’re gonna enter every race where War Admiral is on the card, and if he 14)scratches, which he probably will, we’ll enter the next race he’s on the card. And we won’t come home until we’ve faced him, win, lose or draw. You know, I’d rather have one horse like this than a hundred War Admirals. Thanks, fellas.
  (They went to New York to challenge War Admiral.)
  Charles: Look, I, uh, I really don’t know what to say. Uh, we appreciate it. (laughing) I’m sure the Biscuit appreciates it too. He’s just a little shy about speaking in public. (laughing) He’d thank you himself. I guess, uh, you all are here today because this is a horse who won’t give up.
  Crowd: That’s right.
  Charles: ③Even when life beats him by a nose.
  Crowd: Yes…
  Charles: But, heck, ④Everybody loses a couple.
  Crowd: Yes, sir.
  Charles: And you either pack up and you go home, or you keep fighting! Isn’t that right?
  Crowd: Yeah! That’s right!
  Charles: That’s right! Now, do you want to see a match race?
  Crowd: Yeah! Yeah!
  Charles: You do?
  Crowd: Yeah!
  Charles: You wanna see this young fella riding that horse?
  Crowd: Yeah! Yes!
  Charles and Crowd: Seabiscuit!

  Smart Sentences
  ① This is the skunk of the garden party. Yes, he’s the surprise in the punch bowl. 它可真是社交会上的讨厌鬼,是的,它的出现出人意外。
  the skunk of the garden party: sb. who is not welcome at social gathering(社交活动中不受欢迎的人)。例如:
  Phil loves to gossip and has become the skunk of the garden party.
  the surprise in the punch bowl: sth. that’s unexpected(出乎意料的事)。例如:
  Our news about Polly will really be a surprise in the punch bowl.
  ② we could all learn a lick or two from this little guy. 我们所有人都可以从这个小家伙身上学到一二。
  learn a lick or two: one or two things, usu. from one person at a time(学到一点东西,通常指某一次从一个人身上学到)。例如:
  Remember, you can always learn a lick or two from the loser of the competition.
  ③ Even when life beats him by a nose. 就算命运以毫厘之差击败
  beat sb. by a nose: beat sb. by a very small margin(险胜)。例如:
  In the race this morning, my boat beat my brother’s by a nose.
  ④ Everybody loses a couple. 人生总是有起有落的。
  everybody loses a couple: nobody wins/succeeds all the time(人生总是有起有落的)。例如:
  Forget the match last night. Everybody loses a couple.
