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希拉里在2009年全球领袖颁奖典礼上的讲话 Speech at the 2009 Global Leadership Awards Event

Vital Voices Global Partnership (简称VVGP  “生命之音全球伙伴”组织)致力于改变女性的社会对与价值 ,帮助新兴女性提升其领导能力,并致力于在全球范围发现、培训并支持崭露头角的妇女领袖和社会企业家。VVGP经过几年的发展,已经成为我们这一时代的一个重要的声音。美国国务卿希拉里2009年5月19日出席VVGP颁奖典礼,并发表以下演讲,阐述其对捍卫女性权利的决心。


    In my first trip overseas as Secretary of State, I visited again some of the women in China who had been honored by Vital Voices years ago .They have never stopped working to make their society a better place, and they told me how much this honor meant to them .How it not only buoyed their spirits and gave them encouragement, but also brought them respect and recognition in their own country .When you look at the urgent challenges we face today, we need to redouble our efforts.


    So I pledge to you that I will do what I can do in this new position, with the strong support of President Obama and the administration, to put women's rights on the agenda as a central part of American foreign policy .I will do what I can to champion these issues and use my own voice in support of women who raise their voices.


    Sometimes I wonder whether speaking out or honoring someone at an event like this can really make a difference. But I have seen what it. I can do have seen it in the faces of those women who know that they're not laboring in vain. I’ve seen it in the networks that have been created to support them .And I've seen it in the changed attitudes of governments and leaders who realize that no nation can be successful if it invests only in, and listens only to, one half of its population .So for all of those women who aren't here tonight, who are enduring unspeakable abuse, who are laboring under unbearable burdens, who are wondering we pledge that we will do all we can to ensure that America is not only an example of the best values that humanity has to offer ,but that we pursue every chance we can to give every women a vital voice on behalf of herself ,her family ,her community and her country .God bless these vital voices .

