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娜塔莉与黑天鹅的完美邂逅 Natalie Portman's Amazing Road to the Black Swan Queen






  The Academy's Natalie

  From The 83rd Academy Awards 2011

  从《这个杀手不太冷》(The Professional)中的马蒂尔德到《黑天鹅》(Black Swan)中的妮娜,娜塔莉的演艺生涯走过了19个年头。2011年,娜塔莉收获了人生中的第一座奥斯卡小金人,也即将迎来一份同样珍贵的礼物—与未婚夫爱情的结晶。舞台上的她星光熠熠,影片中的她演技娴熟,但你无法想象这位30岁的准妈妈拥有怎样的履历:纽约长岛高中的高材生、哈佛大学心理学学士、精通六种语言、曾任哥伦比亚大学客座讲师……这让人不得不对她刮目相看。接下来,我们一起来听听娜塔莉在获得奥斯卡最佳女主角之后的感言吧。

  Jeff Bridges: And the Oscar goes to…Natalie Portman! Black Swan!

娜塔莉与黑天鹅的完美邂逅 Natalie Portman's Amazing Road to the Black Swan Queen  (Voice: This is the first Academy Award and second 1)nomination for Natalie Portman. Her first Oscar nomination was for supporting actress in “Closer”.)

  Natalie Portman: Hello. …Thank you. (laughs) Thanks so much. Thank you so much to the Academy. This is 2)insane, and I truly, sincerely wish that the prize tonight was to get to work with my fellow 3)nominees. I'm so in 4)awe of you. I am so grateful to get to do the job that I do. I love it so much. I want to thank my parents, who are right there, 5)first and foremost for giving me my life and for giving me the opportunity to work from such an early age and showing me every day how to be a good human being by example.

  And I wanna thank my team, who works with me every day—Aleen Keshishian, my manager for 18 years, and my agents, Kevin Huvane and everyone at CA, Bryna and Tamar at ID; my friends who are everything to me no matter what's going on in my career; and everyone who's ever hired me: Luc Besson who gave me my first job when I was 11 years old; Mike Nichols, who has been my hero and my champion for the past decade; and now Darren Aronofsky—you are a fearless leader, a visionary. I am blessed to have just gotten to get to work with you every day for the period of time we did.

  So many people helped me prepare for this role: Mary Helen Bowers spent a year with me training me; Michelle Rodriguez and Kurt Froman and Olga Kostritzky, sorry; Marina Stavitskaya, and my beautiful love, Benjamin Millepied, who 6)choreographed the film and who's now given me my most important role of my life[sic]. And also there are people on films that no one ever talks about that are your 7)heart and soul every day: Margie and Geordie who did my hair and make-up, Nicky who dressed me and Kate and Laura Mulleavy who designed the beautiful ballet costumes; Joe Reidy, our incredible AD, first AD, and our camera operators J.C. and Steve—you gave me so much soul behind the camera every day and you gave me all of your energy; most importantly, my family, my friends and my love. Thank you so much.

  Developing the Black Swan

  From The Making of Black Swan

  《黑天鹅》的诞生并不是偶然。早在八年前,导演达伦就找到了娜塔莉,两人一拍即合,那就是拍摄一部有关芭蕾舞的电影。娜塔莉幼时学过舞蹈,有一定的功底,但是为了更完美地展现影片中专业的芭蕾舞演员的形象,她经过了很长一段时间的艰苦训练。正是由于这种与生俱来的表演天份和忘我的敬业精神,加上专业的心理学知识帮助她更好地揣摩角色,我们才看到了如此完美的“黑天鹅”。正如影片最后妮娜所说—I felt perfect! I was perfect!

  Nina(Natalie): “(on the phone) He picked me, mommy. Do you hear me?”

  Erica(Barbara Hershay): “For Swan Lake?”

  Nina: “I'm going to be Swan Queen…Mom…I'll be home soon. I just wanted to let you know.”

  Erica: “I love you.”

  Nina: “I love you, too.”

  Natalie:Darren and I talked about doing a ballet film eight years ago. He came up and met me at school—I was 20—and it sort of took this long to 8)gestate and get to where it is. There were all these layers sort of building up to 9)shooting.

  Thomas (Vincent Cassel): “At last I can see the black swan.”

  Darren (The Director): Good. Cut.

  Natalie: The script is really interesting and it sort of parallels to the Swan Lake stories.

  Nina: “(whisper) Just wanna be perfect.”

  Thomas: “You what?”

  Nina: “Wanna be perfect.”

  Natalie:She's dedicated and obsessed and hard-working, but it's not letting her be free enough or sensual enough.

  Thomas: “It's also about letting go.”

  Natalie: The thing about being an artist is being unique and having your own special voice, and she really starts seeing herself everywhere and her identity sort of bleeds out.

  Over the years I sort of kept up with dance classes here and there, and then six months ago I started serious ballet training. It was definitely challenging beyond the technique, which was really, really challenging obviously. You know, I really was lucky that Mary Helen Bowers, who trained me, was really, really attentive to making sure I was always warmed up properly and that we did all these exercises like, that I would never of [sic] thought of. You don't see all of the work that goes into the smallest of gestures, so that was really interesting, and to see how they direct you through it, I mean it's all…it's a lot of acting, which is…was helpful, 'cause that was the part that I was, like, ‘Oh, I've really done this before'.

  Darren: Well, I think Natalie had this really hard job that not only did she have to dance and be convincing as a ballet dancer, but she also had to, you know, act the scenes that were happening while she was dancing. There was…and there was a lot of emotional choices she had to make.

  Natalie: It's amazing, after sort of letting it develop for so long, to still find new things after, like, eight years working on it was pretty…pretty cool.
