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毕业后,见招拆招巧过渡 Yes, There Are Tactics

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  And today we're gonna talk about life after college.
  How do you get started with a life after college? I would encourage you to take a look at what is it that you really, really like doing. Where have you been the happiest? What type of work did you work in internships? Did you help put yourself through college? Are you wanting to move more in your professional field of work? Is there additional education that you need to do while working? Consider all of those options.
毕业后,见招拆招巧过渡 Yes, There Are Tactics  Life after college is an important step to your maturing, so as you enjoy the thrill of the success of getting your degree, then you begin to enter what they say is the real world. Begin to really think about how do I explore career options, how do I move my life forward and be of value to some organization? If you're a serious worker, then you probably helped put yourself through school. I would encourage you to begin to think about planning for your future and taking a serious look at how are you gonna manage your budget? Do you need a roommate for another year or two in order to get yourself planned financially? Seriously think about keeping yourself on a budget for a while. You've been on a budget during college—hopefully you've learned some discipline about that—and when you start making a salary that you're not used to, before you know it, you may find that you're looking at credit card expenses, college loan expenses, housing, insurance, so start saving money.
  But life after college is about having fun enjoying your field of work, feeling appreciative of the fact that you've gotten through college, you're on your way to your career. Surround yourself with people who are positive, have a great attitude, stay away from the gossip in your office, be positive. People watch you work and you are the message. So what is it that you want to do in your college career after that life, and make sure that you find a balance of quality of life and work, where you can have fun and enjoy work and enjoy your life as well. And hopefully that will help you think about some things that you want to do after college.
