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嘿,兄弟! On and Off Screen, Bromance Sells(2)

  Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire met while 18)auditioning for the TV series Parenthood. They were young and went on to become best friends, helping each other 19)score roles in other TV shows and movies like This Boys Life. Leo is a pretty good guy and is a fearless 20)crusader for a more environmentally aware planet, while Tobey seems super sweet and 21)down to earth. Now they are often seen paired up for 22)Lakers' basketball games.
Tom Cruise and Will Smith  And speaking of friends since childhood, we must mention Matt Damon and Ben Affleck who were the Tinseltown dynamic 23)duo of the late '90s. Childhood friends 24)hailing from Cambridge,25)MA, they came independently to Hollywood to seek fame and fortune. When that wasn't forthcoming, they wrote and starred in 26)Good Will Hunting, which won a Best Screenplay Oscar for the pair. And overnight, they became household names. With the two having never 27)veered from their shared Boston 28)upbringing, Affleck observes, “I think it would be the same for anybody. You're friends when you are young, you have a certain life. Then in your 20s you have a different life. In your 30s you get married and have families. It's a different kind of satisfaction being around your friends, the friends you grew up with. They have kids, have barbecues and that kind of deal. That is really satisfying, too. It's one of the nice things about having friends for a long time,” says Affleck.
  说到童年时就已经建立友谊的明星,我们不得不提马特·达蒙和本·阿弗莱克,他们是上世纪九十年代末的好莱坞实力派二人组。他们小时候在马萨诸塞州的剑桥市居住时就已经是好朋友,后来凭着自己的实力去好莱坞打拼。然而名利遥不可及,这时他们创作了电影《心灵捕手》的剧本,并亲自担任剧中主角,最终一举获得奥斯卡最佳剧本奖。一夜之间,他们成为了家喻户晓的明星。他们一直坚持在波士顿成长Tobey Maguire and Leonardo DiCaprio时接受的共同价值观,阿弗莱克说:“我想每个人都会这么做。你们从小就是好朋友,你有自己特定的生活方式。然后二十多岁的时候,你的生活变了样。三十多岁时,你成家立室。身边围绕着一大帮朋友,一帮陪着你一起成长的老朋友,这可是另一种满足感啊。他们也有自己的孩子,也会进行烧烤诸如此类的家庭活动。那也真的很让人感到宽慰。和朋友保持着长久的友谊,是一件很快乐的事。”
  When it comes to re-team for professional projects, Affleck and Damon haven't been paired together on screen for quite some time. Affleck says the timing now feels right to re-team once again. “If we work together it's an excuse to 29)hang out.”

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