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柏拉图的亚特兰蒂斯 Atlantis: The Legend of A Lost City(3)

  Angie Hobbs: Well, it's a possibility. He's certainly got the vivid imagination to be able to have made it up. He's not a historian, that's not his intention. His intention is to use history, to use mythology to make his own philosophical points.
  Bettany Hughes: How possible do you think it is that the Atlantis myth has some kind of a root in the prehistoric past?
  Angie Hobbs: I think it's very likely that Plato has heard some stories of past civilisations which have come crashing down, that he's got half-remembered bits of oral history which he weaves in. He's 9)concocting this fantastical brew here but he's using bits of mythology, bits of history, anything he wants, as part of the mix. So I think there could be some factual historical basis for Plato's legend, even though that's not what Plato himself is particularly interested in.
  Bettany Hughes: Whatever Plato's inspiration, Atlantis has captured our imagination ever since. It's led to scores of expeditions and thousands of books. More often than not, these quests tell us more about the power of human imagination than about Atlantis itself.

  ● 小说《海底两万里》(儒勒·凡尔纳著),本作中亚特兰蒂斯只是在其中一幕出场,并非核心。
  ● 日本动画《冒险少女娜汀亚》,虽然蓝本是凡尔纳的《海底两万里》,但亚特兰蒂斯却摇身一变成为主要事件围绕的核心。亚特兰蒂斯在本作中的超古代文明印象成为了后来亚特兰蒂斯相关创作参考的其中一个蓝本。
  ● 迪士尼动画电影《失落的帝国》(2001),由于本作中亚特兰蒂斯的印象和动画片《海底两万里》的相似度太高,曾经引发极大争议。
  ● 电脑游戏《神话世纪》(微软,2002)和《神话世纪:泰坦》(微软, 2003),战役模式中的男主角是亚特兰蒂斯人,资料片中则增加了亚特兰蒂斯人的文明。
  ● 电脑游戏/电影《古墓奇兵:第三波》,亚特兰蒂斯是一代的主轴剧情。

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