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柏拉图的亚特兰蒂斯 Atlantis: The Legend of A Lost City

  亚特兰蒂斯(Atlantis),又译阿特兰蒂斯,是传说中有高度文明发展的古老大陆,又称大西洲。最早的描述出现于古希腊哲学家柏拉图的《对话录》,它提到亚特兰蒂斯是一个美丽富饶、技术先进,却傲慢自大的城市,其历史可追溯至公元前370年,最后被一场自然灾难毁灭。她是那么美好又悲剧,以致两千多年来人们一直在为证实它的存在而努力。2010年英国著名的考古学家Bettany Hughes沿着前人的步伐,带领着BBC摄制组再次跑遍全球寻访Atlantis的踪迹,最后还发现了前所未有的新证,并摄制了《亚特兰蒂斯的新证》这一纪录片,引发了各地对Atlantis的再次关注。
  今天我们就跟随Bettany Hughes踏上她行程的第一站——希腊——最早把这个神秘国度带入人们眼帘的柏拉图的故乡,寻找Atlantis的蛛丝马迹。

  Bettany Hughes: Athens, Greece. It was here close on 2,500 years ago that a tale was composed about an island civilisation of 1)unparalleled wealth and power which was swallowed up by the sea. The author was no less than Plato, the father of Western philosophy. And his story became the legend of Atlantis.
  The idea of Atlantis has always fascinated me. Now, you might think that, as a historian, I'd 2)pour scorn on the legend, you know, just condemn it as another fairy-tale. Atlantis has generated feverish speculation as to whether this fabled island ever existed. And it's spawned scores of 3)crackpot theories about where it might be found. But I'm certain that beneath the rubble of fantasy, are the foundations of a real story.
  A thousand years before Plato lived, a truly amazing civilisation thrived here in the eastern 4)Mediterranean. But that civilisation suffered a terrible 5)catastrophe. Brand new scientific evidence shows us, that disaster was at least twice as large as previously thought. So could that tragedy be the basis for Plato's Atlantis myth?
  When you say the name Atlantis, what often springs to mind is a lost underwater city or a mythical utopia. But actually Plato's Atlantis is neither of those things. His was a maritime trading empire, a sort of super state that enjoyed huge success but then became aggressive and overbearing, and so was punished for its 6)arrogance by the gods. Now, because that idea is eternally fascinating to us, the notion that pride always comes before a fall, from the moment that the Atlantis myth was set down here in Athens, it has never once left the human radar.

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