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《神探夏洛克》:非典型书呆子 The New Face of Holmes

  “Smart Is the New Sexy”,这是热门美剧《生活大爆炸》第一季的口号,也是这类“书呆子”电视剧所倡导的风潮——用“眼镜男”打败“肌肉男”。这些“眼镜男”通常不擅交际,无聊乏味,却聪慧过人,出口成章。在“肌肉美男”风潮盛行多时,代表着力量美的男性荷尔蒙充斥大小银幕这么多年后,如今“书呆子”风潮开始大举反扑。虽然甄子丹在《精武陈真》里以真人肉搏所体现的力量美会让人念念不忘,而《生活大爆炸》里的“谢耳朵”所炫耀的“智慧的光芒”也同样吸引着众人的眼光。大热英剧《神探夏洛克》的主角则可算是书呆子中的一种极致代表——他胸无大志,讲玩讲吃讲心情,个人主义至上,但却能在最后关键时刻一锤定音,将凶手绳之于法。

  你可能觉得这个书呆子无法满足你对英雄的想望,因他没有傲人的身材和多情的性格来依托少女的白马王子情结,可这却是现实,而他则以一副不屑的嘴脸告诉你:“What if I'm not ashamed of being a nerd(如果说我根本就不觉得做书呆子有何可耻呢)?” ——Mac

《神探夏洛克》:非典型书呆子 The New Face of Holmes  Holmes has been kidnapped—by Steven Moffat, the man currently in charge of 1)Doctor Who. He has 2)bundled Conan Doyle's great detective into the 3)Tardis and transported him to 2010. The famous Baker Street address remains the same, but the pipe has been replaced by nicotine patches—three for a difficult case that needs a lot of deep thought concentration. London is largely smoke-free, too. The way around is no longer by 4)hansom carriage, but by modern black cab. Mrs. Hudson remains Mrs. Hudson, but Dr. Watson is now John, and Holmes is Sherlock.

  The show is definitely successful—it conquers the critics and viewers, and all kinds of trophies have already proved that. It also destroys the 5)po-faced pretence that the 6)suffocating abundance of TV detective shows often 7)labour under: that the detective actually cares about the victims. This Holmes sees fun in cases and 8)revels in horror: “Four serial suicides and now a note. It's Christmas!” How have 9)Barnaby, 10)Taggart,11)Marple 12)et al. hidden their own 13)jubilation for so long?

  The character of Holmes as reworked by writers Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, is a 14)conceited, 15)sociopathic ass whose genius ranges somewhere on the 16)autistic 17)spectrum, but who nevertheless possesses a sense of humour. We were told that he is incapable of friendship, has no interest in sex, and takes drugs. Quite gone are the hints, 18)obfuscations and un-saids in Basil Rathbone and Jeremy Brett's films that meant we were never quite sure if Holmes was a total nut 19)job or a 20)jolly decent 21)bloke.


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