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木乃伊的诅咒 The Mummy’s Curse


金字塔  Stories of "the mummy's curse" excited the world after the discovery in 1922 of Egyptian King Tutankhamun (Tut)'s tomb.
  Discovering Tut's Tomb   发现图坦卡蒙墓
  The Great Pyramids1) are the most recognizable royal tombs of Egypt, but most ancient Egyptian kings and queens were in fact buried in the more hidden Valley of the Kings, where the riches in the tombs would be safe from tomb raiders2).
  English archaeologist3) Howard Carter, and his sponsor Lord Carnarvon, obtained permission to dig in the Valley of the Kings and began excavation4) in 1917. After 5 years of searching, they still found nothing.
  One area they had not attempted to dig was so worked over5) by past expeditions6) that it did not seem worthwhile to investigate any further. But while there, the workers found a series of steps when removing an ancient workman's hut.
  Carter quickly ordered the steps to be cleared of sand and debris7) and by noon the next day they found a doorway, stamped with the seal of the royal necropolis8). They had discovered the ancient tomb of King Tut! The tomb contained riches beyond belief, and Carter was the first person to see them for over 3,000 years.


  Revenge9) of the Mummy?   木乃伊的报复?
Tut's Tomb   Less than two weeks after the tomb's official opening, Lord Carnarvon was bitten on the cheek by a mosquito. He further aggravated10) the bite while shaving, and it soon became infected. Carnarvon suffered a high fever and died soon after. As Lord Carnarvon died, the lights of Cairo mysteriously went off.
  The "curse of the mummy" also spread to others associated with the tomb. Arthur Mace, a fellow archaeologist, met an early death shortly after entering the tomb. Radiologist11) Archibald Reid, whose equipment was used to test the age of the tomb, went back home to England, suffering from fatigue, and died soon after his arrival.
  The story continues, stating that in the 6 years after King Tut's tomb was revealed, 12 witnesses died. And within 10 years, only 2 of the original excavation team still lived. About 25 others connected with the expedition also died unexpectedly.
  The media went wild with these stories. They claimed King Tut wanted revenge, and declared there was a mummy's curse that targeted those who had entered the tomb. Rumors spread that on the day of the tomb's opening, Lord Carnarvon's pet canary12) was attacked and eaten by a cobra13), a protector of the ancient Pharaohs14), and at the exact moment of his owner's death, Carnarvon's dog howled15) loudly and then died. They say that the curse has continued in more modern times. In 1966, relics16) from the tomb were to be sent to Paris for exhibition. Mohammed Ibrahim, Egypt's director of antiquities17) had a dream that someone would die if they went ahead with the planned trip and begged that the treasures be kept in Egypt. He was ignored. On his way to a final meeting in Cairo, Ibrahim was hit by a car and killed instantly. In 1972, Ibrahim's successor, Dr. Gamal Mehrez, was in charge of Tut's death mask as it was being moved to London for exhibition. He was not superstitious, but when he had just finished directing the preparations, and was about to leave the Cairo Museum, he fainted and died of circulatory collapse18).

Lord Carnarvon  图坦卡蒙墓被正式挖开后不到两周,卡那封勋爵的脸就被蚊子叮了一口。他刮胡子的时候令创口更加严重了,导致创口迅速感染。之后他高烧不退,没过多久就去世了。而就在卡那封勋爵闭上眼睛的那一刻,开罗竟发生了全城停电的怪事。

  The Facts Against the Curse   “诅咒说”的真相
  But did King Tut's Tomb really unleash19) a curse?
  The best argument against the curse's existence is the natural death of Howard Carter. Carter survived until March 1939, right before he turned 65 and nearly 17 years after entering the tomb—a decade of which was spent working in the tomb itself. Why didn't he suffer the curse of the mummy? He was, after all, the first to enter the tomb.
  The facts tell a less dramatic story: Of the 26 people present at the opening of the burial chamber, only 6 had died within the next 10 years. In fact, many of the people who had the most contact with Tut's mummy lived long lives.

  Were Tomb Toxins20) to Blame?   有毒物质是罪魁祸首?
  In recent years a scientific theory for the mummy's curse has been offered for Carnarvon's death—he was in fact killed by exposure to ancient bacteria21) from the sealed tomb, which proved too much for his immune system, weakened by an illness he had before coming to Egypt.
  "When you think of Egyptian tombs, you have not only dead bodies but foodstuffs—meats, vegetables, and fruits—buried for the trip to the afterlife22)," said Jennifer Wegner, an Egyptologist at the University of Pennsylvania Museum in Philadelphia. "It certainly may have attracted insects, molds23), bacteria, and those kinds of things."
  Recent laboratory studies have revealed that some ancient mummies and tomb walls do indeed carry molds. These molds can cause allergic reactions ranging from congestion24) to bleeding in the lungs. The toxins can be particularly harmful for people with weakened immune systems. Scientists have also detected ammonia25) gas, formaldehyde26), and hydrogen sulfide27) inside sealed sarcophagi28). In strong concentrations they could cause burning in the eyes and nose, pneumonia29)-like symptoms, and in very extreme cases, death.


  The Other Way Around   另外一种声音
Tut's Tomb  But experts who have examined the case of Lord Carnarvon believe that tomb toxins played no role in his death.
  The elderly Carnarvon was chronically30) ill before he set foot in Tut's tomb. Plus, his death occurred months after his initial exposure to the tomb. If he had been exposed to toxic bacteria in the tomb, symptoms would have revealed themselves sooner.
  Wegner hasn't noticed much concern among her colleagues at tomb sites. "On the archaeological projects that I've been involved with, we generally don't wear masks or other protection against toxic materials in a tomb," she explained. "If we do, it's because of worry about breathing in dust rather than molds or fungus."
  "There are countless examples of tombs being infected by people, rather than tombs infecting people," said F. Dewolfe Miller, professor at the University of Hawaii. "The opening of these tombs by people who are eager to make discoveries without a mind on how to protect them can expose the tombs to enormous damages. Moisture has spawned31) molds, growing on walls and destroying paint and other antiquities."

  1. the Great Pyramids: 大金字塔。开罗西南10公里处的吉萨区(Giza)有三座很大的金字塔,分别是胡夫(Khufu)金字塔、哈夫拉(Khafre)金字塔和孟考拉(Menkaure)金字塔,三者被统称为大金字塔。
  2. raider [5reIdE(r)] n. 侵入者;劫掠者
  3. archaeologist [7B:kI5ClEdVIst] n. 考古学家
  4. excavation [7ekskE5veIFEn] n. 发掘;挖掘
  5. work over: 彻底检查
  6. expedition [7ekspI5dIFEn] n. 考察队
  7. debris [5debri:, 5deIb-] n. (被毁物的)残骸;瓦砾
  8. necropolis [ne5krCpElIs] n. 墓地(尤指古代城市的大墓地)
  9. revenge [rI5vendV] n. 复仇;报复
  10. aggravate [5A^rEveIt] vt. 加重,加剧;使恶化
  11. radiologist [7reIdI5ClEdVIst] n. 放射学家,(应用)辐射学家
  12. canary [kE5neErI] n.【鸟】金丝雀
  13. cobra [5kEubrE] n.【动】眼镜蛇
  14. Pharaoh [5fZErEu] n. 法老(古埃及君王称号)
  15. howl [haul] vi. (狼、狗等)凄厉地长嚎;嗥叫
  16. relic [5relIk] n. 遗物
  17. antiquity [An5tIkwEtI] n. [常作antiquities] 古物
  18. circulatory collapse: 循环衰竭;circulatory [7s\:kjJ5leItErI, 5s\:kjUlEtErI] adj. (血液等)循环的;collapse [kE5lAps] n. (健康等的)垮掉
  19. unleash [7Qn5li:F] vt. 发出
  20. toxin [5tCksIn] n.【生化】【生】毒素;toxic [5tCksIk] adj. (有)毒的;毒性的;有害的
  21. bacteria [bAk5tIErIE] n. [bacterium的复数] 细菌
  22. afterlife [5B:ftElaIf] n. 死后(灵魂)的生活
  23. mold [mEuld] n. <美> = mould [mEuld] n. 霉;霉菌
  24. congestion [kEn5dVestFEn] n. 充血
  25. ammonia [E5mEunjE] n.【化】氨
  26. formaldehyde [fC:5mAldI7haId] n.【化】甲醛
  27. sulfide [5sQlfaId] n. <美>【化】硫化物
  28. sarcophagi [sB:5kCfE^aI, -dVaI, -^i:] n. [sarcophagus的复数] (常有精美雕刻装饰的)石棺;大理石棺
  29. pneumonia [nju:5mEunjE] n.【医】肺炎
  30. chronically [5krCnIkElI] adv. (疾病)慢性地;(人)久病地
  31. spawn [spC:n] vt. 造成,引起
