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近现代教育的历史 The History of Modern Education(2)

erently today. Education in those centuries meant monotonous17) memorizing. Discipline was extremely strict. An engraving18) of a late 18th century German school shows a cheerless school where two children are standing with their legs clamped19) together, two are being switched20), and two others are wearing dunce caps21).
  This system of education was changed by people like Johann Pestalozzi22) who was a Swiss gentleman, Friedrich Froebel who founded the first kindergarten, Maria Montessori who invented the Montessori Method, and John Dewey who was an American philosopher. Not all the suggestions of these reformers were practical, but the general direction of their ideas was correct because they had a great liking for their students. They stressed the importance of an education that caters to23) every student's unique needs and learning styles, rather than education through punishment.

  Today's Education   今日教育
  Education today still faces many challenges around the world. Many rural communities, especially in South America, Africa, and Asia, are very poor and struggle to afford to build schools and hire teachers. Even in relatively wealthy societies like the United States, severe discrepancies24) exist in quality of education.
  Despite the challenges, education is seeing its brightest state in human history. Literacy25) rates are on the rise; an unprecedented number of students are taking advantage of higher education. The internet has made a wealth of26) information and educational materials readily27) available. Today's ease of travel has made studying abroad a popular option for countless students. While today's students may not have servants to carry their lyre and writing tablets, they do have more opportunities and resources than ever before.
  1. faculty [5fAkEltI] n. 能力;技能
  2. philosophy [fI5lCsEfI] n. 哲学
  3. etiquette [etI5ket, 5etIket] n.礼节,礼仪
  4. sacred [5seIkrId] adj. 神圣的
  5. lyre [5laIE(r)] n. 里拉(竖琴家族中的一种弦乐器,用来为歌手或朗诵诗歌的人伴奏,特别是在古希腊)
  6. hurl [h\:l] vt. 猛投;力掷
  7. javelin [5dVAvElIn] n. (打猎或作战用的)投枪;(田径运动中用的)标枪
  8. feast [fi:st] n. 节日,节期(尤指宗教节日)
  9. sound [saund] adj. 健康的;健全的
  10. monastery [5mCnEstErI] n. 修道院,隐修院;寺院
  11. Thomas Aquinas: 托马斯·阿奎那(1225?~1274),意大利神学家,欧洲中世纪经院哲学代表人物。他是自然神学最早的提倡者之一,也是托马斯哲学学派的创立者。
  12. Peter Abelard: 彼得·阿伯拉尔(1079~1144?),法国著名的哲学家、神学家。
  13. odd job: 零工
  14. theology [WI5ClEdVI] n. 神学;宗教学
  15. guild [^Ild] n. (中世纪的)行会,同业工会
  16. democracy [dI5mCkrEsI] n. 民主;民主主义
  17. monotonous [mE5nCtEnEs] adj. 单一得令人厌倦的;毫无变化的
  18. engraving [In5^reIvIN] n. 版画;雕版印刷品
  19. clamp [klAmp] vt. (用夹具等)夹紧;夹住
  20. switch [swItF] vt. (用树枝等)鞭打
  21. dunce cap: 笨蛋高帽(旧时学校中作为惩罚给成绩差的学生戴的一种圆锥形纸帽)。dunce [dQns] n. 智力迟钝的学生
  22. Johann Pestalozzi: 约翰·裴斯泰洛齐(1746~1827),瑞士著名教育家。他试图通过教育来改善农民的生活,一生致力于让广大贫苦儿童接受初等教育。
  23. cater to: 满足(需要或欲望)
  24. discrepancy [dIs5krepEnsI] n. 差异,不一致
  25. literacy [5lItErEsI] n. 识字,有文化
  26. a wealth of: 很多的
  27. readily [5redIlI] adv. 无困难地,容易地

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