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师者,传道授业解惑也——名人忆恩师 Memorable Teachers of Famous People

  He's Always There 一贯的鼓励
  By Michael Carrick (Footballer for Manchester United Football Club)
  迈克尔·卡里克 (英超曼联队球员)
Michael Carrick  From first school to high school, I was always into1) all different kinds of sport, not just football. I also played rugby, cricket2) and tennis.
  Colin Mackay was my PE3) teacher in middle school and he was the one I got closest to. He let us try different sports and he was always willing to take us to games.
  We had a number of lads who were pretty good at all sports. Mr Mackay really encouraged us to play. I think he enjoyed it because we were quite successful so it was rewarding. We won pretty much everything: the local cups and the county cup, which was the biggest one. Mr Mackay was so enthusiastic and constantly pushed us to get better.
  I loved playing football and watching it, but I never set out to4) be a professional footballer. It was such a long way off and I just played for the enjoyment. But I signed for West Ham when I was 14. I could never make it without Mr Mackay's help.
  I keep in touch with Mr Mackay. I see him now and again5): he is still in the same area although he has moved on to another high school. He is more of a friend now. I would probably have been a footballer anyway, but he kept encouraging me and he was always there, giving me little bits of advice.
  Getting Me Through 帮我走出低谷
  By Lang Lang (World-renowned pianist)
  郎朗 (国际著名钢琴家)
Lang Lang   GWhen I was 9, my father and I moved to Beijing for me to study, leaving my mother at home.
  It was a very difficult time. I was trying hard, but my lessons were going badly, and just before I was supposed to audition6) for the top music school in the country, the Central Conservatory, my tutor kicked me out of her studio. She told me that I wasn't meant to be a pianist, and that was devastating7). I stopped playing.
  My music teacher in public school asked me why I wasn't playing anymore. I starting crying and said, "My tutor told me I had no talent." The teacher put Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 10 in C Major, K.330 in front of me and said, "Come on, Lang Lang, play the slow moment." And the whole class begged me to. So I started playing. As I performed I suddenly realized how much I loved the instrument, and I did feel I had a talent for it.
  This Mozart piece had special significance for me because it brought me hope again. And if it hadn't been for that music teacher, I might have abandoned my dream to be a concert pianist.
  My Parents, My Teachers 我的父母,我的老师
  By Venus Williams (American tennis player)
  维纳斯·威廉姆斯 (别名大威廉姆斯,美国网球名将)
Venus Williams  Two of the most important people I know are my coaches. They also just happen to be my mom and dad!
  My mom, Oracene Price, and my dad, Richard Williams, are my coaches. They started teaching me how to play tennis when I was only four years old. They gave me the confidence to believe in my game on the court, and to believe that I can do anything I try in life.
  My coaches taught me that it's not about winning or losing, but learning from both experiences, and getting better each time. The most important lesson of all that they taught me was to enjoy the game and to have fun while giving it my all.
  My parents always stressed that if I didn't love tennis, I should find something I did love and give it one hundred percent. Fortunately, they had a way of teaching tennis that made me love the game. I am still learning so many lessons from them, and I hope that one day I will be as great a teacher to others as they have been to me!
  Quality Humor 高雅的幽默感
  By Jeff Kinney (American author and illustrator8) of children's books, most well-known writing Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
  杰夫· 金尼 (美国童书作家、插画家,最有名的作品是《小屁孩日记》)
Jeff Kinney  Fifth grade was a breakthrough year for me. It's when I started to develop my sense of humor, and I thank my teacher, Mrs. Eleanor Norton, for that.
  Mrs. Norton was in her 60s and wore dresses with big flower prints on them. She welcomed humor in the classroom. School wasn't just for learning, it was for laughing. She made everything fun and she got students in on the act9). But she wasn't satisfied with cheap laughs10). When we made a joke, she'd challenge us to come up with something funnier.
  One time my friends and I were practicing a comedy act that had us writhing11) around in a snake costume made of sewn-together sheets. I'm sure we looked ridiculous. Mrs. Norton gently described the difference between laughing "with" and laughing "at", suggesting that we would be laughed "at" by the audience. We thought about it and came up with a better act.
  Mrs. Norton's guidance didn't stop there. In the fifth grade, I was a pretty good illustrator. I was pretty proud of my drawings. But Mrs. Norton showed me how my drawings could be better. She didn't let me settle for12) "good enough".
  I still think about that. The year I spent in Mrs. Norton's class had a deep impact on me. I'll always remember the lessons I learned while in her classroom.
  有一次,我和几个朋友在为一幕喜剧进行排练,我们穿着用床单缝成的蛇的道具服在地上蜿蜒爬行。我确信我们的样子很好笑。然而诺顿夫人轻声道出了“laugh with”和“laugh at”的不同,暗示我们会被观众“laugh at”。我们考虑了她的话,设计出了一个更好的场景。
  Days with Sid 和锡德在一起的日子
  By Robert Winston (British medical professor)
  罗伯特·温斯顿 (英国医学教授)
Robert Winston  St Paul's School in London was full of teachers who were wonderful and highly intelligent. Perhaps one of the greatest teachers was the head of biology, Sid Pask. He had this extraordinary ability: he was both an inspiring person and he understood the way to turn people on to science was practical work, and he did that excellently.
  We went on all sorts of field trips. We used to examine streams in summer, we would go to Hertfordshire to look at plant life, and we went to the beach to count seaweed.
  We were out of uniform for the trips and Sid didn't try to discipline us, allowing us to be quite wild teenagers. He would sit there with a quiet smile on his face. There was humanity13) about him, which was important. Scientists sometimes forget that they are part of humanity.
  I probably did least well in biology, but Sid was crucial in my development. He was witty, open-minded and enthusiastic, and he was able to focus on the things that were likely to stimulate us. Dissection14) was fantastic in biology. We dissected about 20 species of animal, and we used to dissect plants as well.
  I first studied biology at university, and then switched to medicine. The first year I didn't need to do any work because I'd done it at school.
  Research shows that about 60 percent of schools have inadequate laboratories, or health and safety is an excuse for not doing experiments. So it would be a crucial thing to improve the value of the practical work that children do, the sort of work we did with Sid.
  My Hero 我心目中的英雄
  By Arne Duncan (U.S. Secretary of Education)
  阿恩·邓肯 (美国教育部长)
 Arne Duncan  I am fortunate. I attended great schools, and I had exceptional teachers throughout my life. Of all the great teachers I had, my favorite was Darlene McCampbell.
  Mrs. McCampbell was my high school English teacher at the University of Chicago Laboratory School, and she still teaches there today. She taught me to be a better writer and better reader. But above all, she taught me how to be a better student. In Mrs. McCampbell's class, I wasn't just taught about great literature, I was encouraged to have something to say. I was free to share my ideas and opinions, without fearing judgment. She expressed a strong belief in her students' potential. There was never talk of limits or ceilings or what we couldn't do.
  In her class, expectations were high. She asked a lot of us, and in turn asked a lot of herself. She put in a lot of hard work and late nights.
  I would not be where I am today if it weren't for teachers like Darlene McCampbell. Knowing that there are extraordinary teachers like her across the country motivates me. They teach us to show up15), participate and work hard. They inspire us to aim high and achieve great things. They are invaluable to a student's future and to the future of education in this country. They are my heroes.
