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  2010年南非世界杯把世人的目光带到了非洲这片丰饶的大地。你可以在尼罗河畔想象埃及妖后动人的身姿与她惊世骇俗的爱情,也可以在撒哈拉大沙漠体验大自然美丽却又狰狞的一面。在这里,美景与传说让人心醉,战乱与疾病却让人心碎。《紧急救护:无国界医生的故事》以这片土地为背景,讲述一个关于“无国界医生”这个群体的故事。影片采用的是纪录片的手法,因此你在这里看不到“偏袒”与“神化”的色彩,有的只是血与泪、悲与喜。你会发现,那些医生每天与死神搏斗,在他们眼中“爱”与“恨”都不是解决问题的方法,他们凭着“责任”与“勇气”,伸出疗伤的手,抚慰那些焦躁的心灵。  ——Mac


Treating the World's Sorrow and Pain 《紧急救护:无国界医生的故事》:生命没有国界
  At one point in Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders—Mark Hopkins’s new documentary about the Paris-based humanitarian group—an Australian doctor 1)stationed in Congo, his tongue loosened by a lot of local beer, 2)unloads his 3)scorn for 4)UNICEF and other, similar organizations. They approach mass suffering, he says, by way of theories, meetings, and 5)high-minded statements of principle, whereas he and other Doctors Without Borders physicians meet the consequences of war, epidemic, and natural disaster one patient at a time.

Red Floor PicturesDavinder Gill, right, in Liberia in the documentary “Living in Emergency: Stories of Doctors Without Borders.”
  The organization, also known by its French name, Médecins Sans Frontières, was founded in France in 1971 and is devoted to the simple idea that its doctors should go where they are desperately needed without regard for political considerations or long-term 6)agendas. Though the film spends little time at the organization’s headquarters, it basically adheres to this ground-level approach, following a few volunteers in the field as they treat the sick and wounded and try to uphold modern standards of care in rough and sometimes horrifying circumstances.
  无国界医生组织的法语名称“Médecins Sans Frontières”也广为人知,于1971年在法国创建,一直秉承这么一个简朴的宗旨——组织内的医生必须到任何极度需要他们的地方,而不必考虑政治因素或长远规划。虽然该片甚少提及该组织的总部,但影片基本上坚持这种“从基层着手”的宗旨,跟随几个志愿者实地拍摄他们如何在简陋,甚至恶劣的环境下,努力以现代的医疗标准来治疗伤患。
  A more conventional kind of documentary might have 7)delved deeper into the history and philosophy of the organization, one of whose founders was Bernard Kouchner, a former leftist militant who is now foreign minister in France’s right-of-center government. (A fascinating account of Mr. Kouchner’s career can be found in Paul Berman’s book Power and the Idealists.) And, similarly, if Living in Emergency had stuck more closely to the conventions of movies that seek to raise Western awareness of terrible situations elsewhere in the world, it would have explored what is going on in 8)Liberia and Congo, where most of the film takes place.
  But that kind of 9)contextualization would have been 10)antithetical, both to the organization’s mission and to Mr. Hopkins’s own interest, which is in the particular challenges faced by individual doctors who 11)sign up for six-month tours in what they routinely describe as some of the worst places on earth. What we know about Liberia, for the purposes of the film, is that it recently emerged from a long, unimaginably brutal civil war of the kind that Congo is still suffering. This means that the 12)devastation the medical volunteers find in Liberia is 13)leavened by hope, and that the superior facilities that seem to exist in Congo are under constant threat of violence.
  The idealistic doctors are beaten down by practicing medicine under extreme circumstances: too many patients, never enough supplies, time, or staff. Most volunteers never advance past their first nine-month mission. Doctors in Congo treat gunshot and 14)machete wounds, whereas their counterparts in Liberia deal with infectious diseases, malnutrition, and the effects of poor 15)sanitation. And while some of the drama in Living in Emergency comes from the tension of specific cases—will the boy with the head wound survive? What is causing that child’s face and belly to swell?—the film, just like any good hospital television series, is really about the curious psychology of the medical profession. It is, most 16)affectingly, a series of portraits depicting men and women who, while they are undeniably selfless, brave, and hard-working, can also be vain, jealous, 17)self-righteous, and, from time to time, drunk.

  Mr. Hopkins 18)gravitates toward four doctors in particular: Tom Krueger, a surgeon from Tennessee; Chris Brasher, an Australian who has given most of his career to the organization, and whose work for it fills his 19)nomadic life with novelty, danger, and meaning; Chiara Lepora, who is Italian and 20)oversees the group’s activities in Liberia; and Davinder Gill, another Australian, who works virtually alone at a clinic in a remote, rural part of that country. Dr. Lepora 21)likens Dr. Gill to Kurtz in Joseph Conrad’s 22)Heart of Darkness, going slowly mad in the bush, but he is also furious at the lack of 23)logistical and moral support coming from her.
  These doctors are hard on themselves and on one another, and as Living in Emergency 24)chronicles their small triumphs and large frustrations, a larger picture emerges, almost despite the film’s 25)avowedly local emphasis. Doctors Without Borders, for all its global prestige, is a small organization, and since it cannot be everywhere at once, it must often leave places like Liberia just as things are starting to improve. The extent of the need around the world is so enormous and overwhelming that the efforts of the doctors in this 26)sobering film seem both vitally necessary and 27)woefully inadequate.
