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泰坦尼克号—再探钢铁女巨人 Titanic-Revisiting the Steel Giantess


TITANIC 泰坦尼克号  Everyone’s heard dramatic tales about the wreck[失事] of the Titanic, but did you know that this storied[传说上有名的], luxury liner[邮轮] may be on the verge of[濒临于] vanishing[消失] once again? This time it’s not due to an unyielding[坚硬的] iceberg. Instead, a bizarre[奇异的] rust-eating bacteria[细菌] may be to blame.  
  The scientist Robert Ballard found the famous wreck of the Titanic in 1985. Recently he went back with a team of researchers to see how the ship’s faring[进展] in its deep-sea grave. They discovered the wreckage is decaying[腐烂] a lot faster than expected. Many of the Titanic’s grand structures have collapsed. Masts[桅杆] and railings[栏杆] have fallen, and some of the ship’s nine decks[甲板] have caved in[下陷]. One of the main culprits[罪犯]? A strange iron-eating bacteria that’s feeding on the ship’s metal skeleton. They produce rust-colored blisters[水泡] that spread out across the promenade deck[散步甲板], orange rivulets[溪流] that flow from the hull into vast, fan-shaped outflows[流出物] and eerie[怪诞的,可怕的]-looking rusticles注 – icicle[冰柱]-shaped deposits[沉淀物] of iron and bacterial sludge[软泥] that now enshroud[掩盖] much of the wreck.  
  Researchers think the iron-eating bacteria includes at least one strain[一种] that’s never been seen before. They thrive[茁壮成长] in extreme environments where we thought no life could survive. Two and a half miles beneath the sea, there’s no light or oxygen. It’s freezing cold, and the water pressure reaches a bone-crushing 6,000 pounds per square inch. Yet these bacteria colonize[拓殖] and grow rapidly on the ship’s steel, devouring[吞吃] the iron inside, which is weakening the structure. Researchers are studying this process and examining photos taken when the wreck was discovered in 1985 to figure out how much longer the ship can survive.  
  More than 2,000 people were aboard the “unsinkable” ocean liner when it struck an iceberg and sank on April 15th, 1912. At least 1,500 died in the frigid[寒冷的] North Atlantic waters, but roughly 700 managed to survive.  
  Today, hungry microbes[微生物] aren’t the only cause of the Titanic’s deep-sea destruction. Several prized artifacts that Ballard and his team spotted in 1985 appeared to be missing when they returned. Some researchers believe that looters[掠夺者] and thrill[刺激]-seekers may be to blame. Licensed[得到许可的] salvagers[打捞人员] can take historic artifacts from the wreck site, but others may be taking them illegally. There’s tremendous[巨大的]debate about efforts to remove artifacts from the Titanic, but nature remains the ship’s greatest threat.  
  Estimates vary on how long it will take the strange iron-eating bacteria to finish their feast[盛宴], but most scientists agree that the massive ship is likely to be nothing more than a rust stain on the ocean floor by the end of the century.  

