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异域采风:蜂之殇 The Honeybee Crisis

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蜜蜂  阳光、空气,开花、结果,蜜蜂、蝴蝶。
  It’s a tiny animal making big headlines. The honeybee. It’s a 1)cornerstone of the environment, essential to our food supply. But around the world, the honeybee is disappearing.
  November 2006. David Hackenberg opened his hives to find 70% of his bees had vanished. David rushed several dying colonies to Pennsylvania’s acting state beekeeper, Dennis van Engelsdorp.
  By early spring, the phenomenon has a name—Colony 2)Collapse Disorder, CCD.
  As CCD wipes out hives across the U.S., reports of similar mass bee losses pour in from overseas. Bees vanish in Italy, Poland, Portugal, in Central and South America.
  The case of the vanishing bees is at the 3)forefront of a much larger crisis. Not just bees, but all 4)pollinating animals have been disappearing for decades.
  Bees and butterflies don’t usually make the headlines. But scientists warn that the steady decline in bees and other pollinators could trigger a crisis bigger and more immediate than global warming.
  Dennis and his team conduct 5)forensic 6)autopsies on up to 100 bees a day. Right from the beginning, they’re stunned by what they discover. The investigations lead to another stunning 7)revelation—fungi growing in the bees’ tissue are similar to samples found in humans with suppressed 8)immune systems. It could be that bees have been weakened by an insect virus similar to AIDS.
  9)Pesticides are another key suspect in the CCD investigation. And one country in Europe provides a perfect case study into how bees are affected by these 10)controversial chemicals.
  The French battle over pesticides began in the early ’90s, when farmers used a new brand of pesticides called neonicotinoids. Not long afterward, the bees began to disappear.
  Studies have proven that many pesticides are highly toxic to bees. But even in areas where no pesticides are sprayed, bees are still disappearing.


1) cornerstone [5kC:nEstEJn] n. 墙角石,基础
2) collapse [kE5lAps] n. 崩溃,虚脱
3) forefront [5fC:frQnt] n. 最前部,最前线
4) pollinate [5pɒlIneIt] v. 对……授粉
5) forensic [fE5rensIk] a. 法院的,适于法庭的
6) autopsy [5C:tɒpsI] n. (为查明死因而做的)尸体解剖,验尸
7) revelation [7revI5leIFEn] n. 显示,揭露
8) immune [I5mju:n] a. 免疫的
9) pesticide [5pestIsaId] n. 杀虫剂
10) controversial [7kɒntrE5vE:FEl] a. 争论的,争议的

  Andalusia, Spain. Spain has the highest number of commercial beekeepers in Europe, with the most businesses at risk from CCD.
  The Spanish team doesn’t believe the CCD investigation will isolate a single cause of the outbreak. They contend that a whole 11)conspiracy of forces, from pesticides to 12)parasites to poor nutrition, have created a 13)perfect storm, weakening the bees, leaving them vulnerable to 14)infection.
  And back in New York, the CCD working group has had a breakthrough. DNA tests have isolated a single suspect. It’s a virus that until now was found only in Israel, called IAPV—Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. The group believes they’re found the 15)culprit.
  Scientists will now begin working to understand the virus, and to develop a way to fight it. One plan is to use 16)aggressive17)Africanized bees” to engineer a new breed of superbee, resistant to all kinds of disease.
  Whatever methods they develop to fight the virus, scientists stress that bees are up against more than a single threat.
  Although the bees’ future is uncertain, Colony Collapse Disorder has ensured that this extraordinary animal will no longer be taken for granted.
  Diana Cox-Foster (Entomologist): I think we should be concerned, as a world, about what is happening. People are saying, “Well, we could get by, eating wheat and corn and that, ” but yes, but that, we would lose everything else that makes life so special.


11) conspiracy [kEn5spIrEsI] n. 共谋,阴谋
12) parasite [5pArEsaIt] n. 寄生虫,食客
13) perfect storm 指的是每一个孤立的坏情况并不至于影响大局,但碰巧所有坏情况同时发生,就会对大局产生严重影响。
14) infection [In5fekFEn] n. [医]传染,感染
15) culprit [5kQlprIt] n. 肇事者
16) aggressive [E5^resIv] a. 好斗的,侵略性的
17) Africanized bee 非洲化蜜蜂,又称“杀人蜂”,指非洲塞内加尔蜂与欧洲蜜蜂杂交产生的蜜蜂,其特点是繁殖力强、抵抗力强,但性情凶暴,好攻击。
