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爱在罗马 美源希腊 Origins of Love and Beauty

Origins of Love and Beauty 爱在罗马 美源希腊

 美式发音 适合精听



  Lips 感性的双唇

电影史上第一吻  They say it all begins with a kiss.
  The first ever screen kiss was filmed by the Thomas Edison Company for a stage show. It lasted a whole minute and caused a sensation when it was first shown in 1896.
  But, just when was the kiss invented? Yup, I did say invented. It seems that us human beings haven’t always been kissing, and that the kiss might be yet another thing that we owe to the ancient Romans. In most of the ancient 1)civilizations that have left any record of what they did, it appears that rubbing noses or cheeks was the commonest form of greeting and pressing the lips together was an action reserved for mother and child. The ancient Romans, however, were so excited by the idea of kissing that they invented a whole new vocabulary for it. Now that’s what they called a basiam, a polite kissing of the hand and a little 2)peck on the cheek.

1)civilization [9sIvIlaI5zeIFEn] n. 文明, 文化
2)peck [pek] n. 啄



希腊雕塑  The word 3)gymnasium comes from the Greek meaning to exercise naked. Yup, even the gym is an ancient invention. The Greeks and Romans took the 4)workout more seriously than, perhaps, any other culture in recorded history. Young men were expected to go to the gym every day. 5)Pumping iron is another invention we owe to the 6)classical world. Weight training, running, boxing, wrestling, throwing the 7)javelin and 8)discus were all part of the routine.

3)gymnasium [dVIm5neIzIEm] n. 健身房, 体育馆
4)pump iron 做负重训练,锻炼肌肉
5)workout [5w\:kaJt] n. 体育锻炼
6)classical [5klAsIkEl] a. 古希腊的,古罗马的
7)javelin [5dVAvlIn] n. 标枪
8)discus [5dIskEs] n. 铁饼
  Beauty Contest 选美的由来
  The 20th century seems to have elevated physical beauty into a competitive sport 9)in its own right, but the beauty contest is as old as history. It was invented, according to Greek mythology, when the gods asked the shepherd, 10)Paris, to decide who was the fairest goddess, Athena, goddess of wisdom, Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, or Hera, the wife of Zeus. Paris chose Aphrodite who had promised him the most beautiful mortal woman as a bride, Helen of Troy. Helen’s husband 11)took a dim view of this offer and, thus, the world’s first beauty contest ended up in a bloody war.
  According to the historical record the forerunner of the modern beauty contest first took place over 3,000 years ago on the Greek Island of Lesbos.
  But in ancient Greece, beauty was even more of a boy’s thing than a girl’s. The Greeks may be best known for inventing the Olympic Games, but they also invented the Mr. Universe contest. The Greeks took physical beauty so seriously, that they even invented mathematical guidelines for bodily perfection according to rules of proportion and 12)symmetry. For them, physical beauty was equated with moral beauty. Being out of shape and unattractive was consequently considered a 13)vice.

9)in one’s own right 凭借自身的力量
10)Paris 帕里斯,原名亚历山大(Alexander),为荷马史诗《伊利亚特》(Iliad)中的特洛伊王子。出生前因母亲梦见火炬,其姐卡珊德拉预言其会为国家带来灾祸,出生后被丢弃山中,被一位牧羊人所抚养,并取名为帕里斯。
11)took a dim view of 持不赞成的态度
12)symmetry [5sImItrI] n. 对称, 匀称
13)vice [vaIs] n. 缺憾,恶习

圣火采集  到了20世纪,人体美似乎凭借自身的魅力晋升为一项竞技运动,但选美比赛的历史却是由来已久。根据希腊神话的记载,它的起源是这样的:众神让牧羊人帕里斯决定,在智慧女神雅典娜、掌管爱与美的女神阿佛洛狄忒和主神宙斯之妻赫拉之中,谁才是最美的女神。帕里斯选择了阿佛洛狄忒,因为她许诺将人世间最美的女子——特洛伊的海伦——许配为他的新娘。海伦的丈夫不赞成这个主意,因此这世界上的第一次选美比赛最终以血腥的战争而告终。
