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[别对我撒谎]六个最常见的撒谎小动作 Six of the Most Common Lying Gestures


  Most people think they can tell who is lying from the eyes of the other person, but I’m here to show you 6 different gestures which are all linked to lying and tell you the hidden meaning of them, so you can understand them fully and never get lied to again.

  The Mouth Cover
  It is one of the most obvious lying gestures. The hand covers the mouth as the brain subconsciously instructs it to try to suppress the deceitful words that are being said. Sometimes it might only be several fingers over the mouth or even a closed fist, but its meaning remains the same. Some people try to disguise the Mouth Cover lying gesture by giving a fake cough. When actors play 1)gangsters or criminals, they often use this gesture when discussing criminal activities with other gangsters or when being 2)interrogated by the police.
  If the person who is speaking uses this gesture, it indicates that they could be lying. If they cover their mouth while you are speaking, it can show they might feel you are hiding something. The Mouth Cover gesture may appear as 3)innocuous as the “Shhh” body gesture where one finger is placed 4)vertically over the lips; it would likely have been used by the person’s mother or father when he was a child. As an adult, the person uses it in an attempt to tell themselves not to say something they’re feeling. The point is that it alerts you to something that is being withheld.


 1. 掩嘴巴

  The Nose Touch
  This is one of the most interesting lying gestures because of the real effect it has on the lying individual. Sometimes the Nose Touch lying gesture can be several quick rubs below the nose or it may be one quick, almost 5)imperceptible nose touch. Women perform this gesture with smaller 6)strokes than men, perhaps to avoid 7)smudging their make-up.
  The important thing to remember is that this type of action should be read in clusters and in context; the person could have 8)hay fever or a cold.
  Scientists found that when you lie, chemicals known as 9)catecholamine’s are released, causing 10)tissue inside the nose to swell. They used special imaging cameras that show blood flow in the body to reveal that intentional lying also causes an increase in blood pressure. This technology indicates that the human nose actually expands with blood during lying, and is known as the “11)Pinocchio Effect”.

  2. 摸鼻子
  The Eye Rub
  When a child doesn’t want to look at something he’ll cover his eyes with one or both hands. When an adult doesn’t want to look at something distasteful, the Eye Rub lying body gesture is likely to occur.
  This gesture is the brain’s attempt to block out the deceit, doubt or distasteful thing it sees, or to avoid having to look at the face of the person who is being lied to. Men usually rub their eyes vigorously and if the lie is a real 12)whopper they will often look away. Women are less likely to use the Eye Rub lying gesture; instead, they will use small, gentle touching motions just below the eye, because they either have been conditioned as girls to avoid making 13)robust gestures, or to avoid smudging make-up. They also avoid a listener’s gaze by looking away.
  “Lying through your teeth” is a commonly used phrase. It refers to a gesture cluster of clenched teeth and a false smile, combined with the Eye Rub lying gesture. This gesture is used by movie actors to 14)portray insincerity and by “polite”cultures such as the British, who prefer not to tell you exactly what they’re thinking.

  3. 揉眼睛
  The Ear Grab
  Imagine you tell someone, “It only costs £900” and the person grabs their ear, looks away to the side and says, “It sounds like a good deal to me.” This is a symbolic attempt by the listener to “15)hear no evil”; trying to block the words he is hearing by putting the hand around or over the ear or tugging at the earlobe.
  It is the adult version of the Hands-Over-Both-Ears gesture used by the child who wants to block out his parent’s 16)reprimands. It can also be a signal that the person has heard enough or may want to speak.

  4. 挠耳朵
  The Neck Scratch
  The index finger, usually of the writing hand scratches the side of the neck below the earlobe. Observations of this lying gesture reveal the person scratches an average of five times. Rarely is the number of scratches less than five and hardly ever more than five. This lying gesture is a signal of doubt or uncertainty and is characteristic of the person who says, “I’m not sure I agree.” It is very noticeable when the verbal language contradicts it, for example, when the person says something like, “I can understand how you feel” but the Neck Scratch lying gesture is used, it indicates he doesn’t.

  5. 挠脖子
  The Collar Pull
  17)Desmond Morris was one of the first to discover that lies cause a 18)tingling sensation in the19)delicate facial and neck tissues, and a rub or scratch was required to satisfy it. This not only accounts for why people who are uncertain will scratch their neck, it presents a good explanation as to why some people use the Collar Pull lying gesture when they lie and suspect they have been caught out. Increased blood pressure from the deceit causes sweat to form on the neck when the deceiver feels that you suspect he’s not telling the truth. When you see someone use this gesture, ask, “Could you repeat that, please?” This can cause the would-be deceiver to 20)give the game away.

  6. 拽衣领

  Lie to me 《别对我撒谎》
  主要演员:Tim Roth 饰演 Cal Lightman
  Kelli Williams 饰演 Gillian Foster
  Brendan Hines 饰演 Eli locker
  Monica Raymund 饰演 Ria Torres
  Cal Leightman是当地一家特殊的私人机构的负责人,只要FBI、当地警察、法律公司、大型企业乃至于个人在寻找某件事的真相的过程中遇到了什么麻烦,就会找他前来帮忙。协助他开展调查的,是行为主义心理学早期的创始人和著名专家Gillian Foster。两人在这一领域可谓棋逢对手,不相上下。另一个助手名叫Eli Loker,善于思考但是不善言辞,似乎从来就不是说谎的料。Ria Torres是这个团队中的新成员,在洞察肢体语言方面颇有天赋。同事们忽略掉的细节,Ria往往能敏锐地觉察出其中的蹊跷……
  该剧根据真人真事改编,其灵感来源于行为学专家Paul Ekman博士的真实研究,他能够发掘深埋在人类脸部、身体和声音里的线索,然后将犯罪调查案件中的真实与谎言都昭示天下。Ekman博士担任了该剧的特别顾问。当你无意中抓挠下巴、扳动手掌、触摸鼻子或者拼命吞咽口水时,Cal Leightman博士马上就知道你在撒谎。无论是家人、朋友还是陌生人,什么事情都无法瞒过他的眼睛。他比一台测谎仪更为精确,事实上,他就是个完美的“活测谎仪”。
