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寻找幸福 The Search for Happiness


Happiness  is like a beautiful butterfly 幸福就像一只美丽的蝴蝶。

The more you chase it away ,it soars high .你越是追赶它,它就飞得越高。

But leave it alone ,and sit down at peace .如果你不理会它,静静的坐下。

It will settle near ,and then grasp it with ease .它就会落在你身边,捉住它就是举手之劳。


Happiness is like a delightful rainbow .幸福就像一道使人愉悦的彩虹。

With a spectrum of hues ,it does glow .散发着五颜六色的光芒,鲜艳夺目。

It adds the shades of color to a day long .它为漫长的一天增添色彩。

And fills Life with things of rhyme and song .为生活添加一丝丝韵律和欢歌。


Happiness is like a candle bright .幸福就像一根明亮的蜡烛。

Its flame brightens the shadowy night .它的火焰照亮了昏暗的夜晚。

Its radiance spreads the rays of cheer .它的光芒传播着欢乐的光彩。

Its sparkle ends the darkness of fear .它的火花驱走恐惧的黑暗。


Happiness is in moments ,big and small .幸福存在于或大或小的时刻,

Happiness comes from within above all .幸福最终源自内心。

In a word ,a thought ,a deed ,or a smile .一句话,一个想法,一个举动,或一个微笑。

Happiness makes living feel worthwhile .幸福让生活有意义。
