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圣诞节 Christmas(5)

Part 1 圣诞节的来历
Part 2 The History of Santa Claus 圣诞老人的来历 
Part 3 The Christmas Tree 圣诞树
Part 4 Christmas Stockings and Christmas Cards 圣诞袜和圣诞卡
Part 5 Christmas Party 庆祝圣诞节

Part 5 Christmas Party 庆祝圣诞节 

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1

Peter : Merry Christmas!
Helen: The same to you!
Peter: Are you doing anything special?
Helen: We're having some friends over. What are you doing?
Peter: Oh, I'm just  taking it easy.


1. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!这是一个约定俗成的用法了,这与其他的节日祝福语不同。比如:我们可以说Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Easter. 但不能说Happy Christmas!

2. The same to you! 这里表示“也祝你圣诞快乐”,回答别人对你的问候,为了避免重复,就可以这么说,当然,你也可以回答“Merry Christmas!”。

3. Peter问Helen Are you doing anything special? 你有什么特殊的安排吗?Helen 回答说We're having some friends over. 我们会邀请一些朋友来家里玩。over这里表示“过来”,例如:I asked her over. 我请她过来的。He's coming over. 他正走过来。

4. 那么Peter会做些什么呢?他说,I'm just taking it easy. 意思是说,我自己轻轻松松的过节,不会为圣诞节而忙碌。take it easy,表示“沉住气, 别紧张,慢慢来”或者“轻松轻松,休息”。

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2  

Helen: Are you all ready for Christmas?
Peter: Are you kidding? I haven't even started. I've done zero shopping.
Helen: Well, you'd better get going. Christmas is only a week away.
Peter: I have to tell you that I'm one of those people who really gets stressed out by the Christmas rush.
Helen: Oh, I'm not. I love the holiday. I love the crowd, the shopping, the lights, the music, the food, the parties and all the presents.
Peter: That's just the beginning. My wife always spends too much money on Christmas. Takes me till April to pay off all our Christmas bills.
Helen: Now Peter, didn't you use to love Christmas when you were a kid? I know, maybe Christmas is for kids.
Peter: Well, kids enjoy it because they don't have to do all the shopping and pay all the bills.
Helen: Maybe that's true. But you know as well as I do, that Christmas is more than tinsel and trees. Christmas is about what's in your heart and how you can make others happy.
Peter: You're absolutely right, Helen. I'm going to try harder to be nice to people and try to keep the true spirit of Christmas in my heart.
Helen: I'm glad to hear that, Peter.


1. Are you all ready for Christmas? 是说“你准备好过圣诞节了吗?”,all这里有强调的作用,表示“完全,全部”。Peter完全不以为然,他还没有开始准备过圣诞节呢。I haven't even started. I've done zero shopping. 我还没有开始,什么东西都没买呢。大家都知道,do shopping,是“购物”的意思,那么do zero shopping就是什么东西都没有买的意思。

2. 为了庆祝圣诞节,西方许多家庭往往一进入12月份就开始忙着采购各种节日用品和圣诞食物及礼品等。在12月24日这天晚上,全家人一般都要相聚在一起举行圣诞晚餐。餐宴餐桌上的食品种类繁多,丰富多彩,而其中最主要的一道菜就是必不可少的传统佳肴——烤火鸡。在西方人眼里,没有烤火鸡的晚餐就算不上是圣诞晚餐。圣诞晚餐之后,人们还要上礼拜堂报告佳音,并为唱诗班预备糖果点心等。但是,为所有这一切做准备是一个非常费心费力费时间的过程。

3. 所以Helen建议Peter抓紧为圣诞节做准备,因为还有一周就是圣诞节乐。you'd better get going. Christmas is only a week away. get going是一个习惯用语,表示“开始行动”。

4. 但Peter却告诉Helen他在圣诞节的时候总是被购物狂潮搞的筋疲力尽。be stressed out,由于做某事而筋疲力尽,the Christmas rush,就是圣诞节的购物狂潮。rush这个词在这里表示“匆忙或激烈的行动,做某事的热潮”,大家一定听说过gold rush这个词组,就是指淘金热潮。

5. Helen很喜欢过圣诞节,她说她喜欢圣诞节的一切,包括购物,彩灯,音乐,礼物等等。可是Peter认为这只是噩梦的开始。因为他的妻子为圣诞节花了太多的钱,要到四月份他才能付清所有的账单,所以他才会被购物狂潮搞的筋疲力尽。pay off 还清(债务等),付清。

6. Helen听Peter对圣诞节有如此多的抱怨,就好奇地问他,didn't you use to love Christmas when you were a kid?你小时候不喜欢过圣诞节吗?used to do something,表示“过去经常做某事”。 因为Helen也认为圣诞节是孩子们的节日。

7. Peter说孩子们喜欢过圣诞节是因为他们不用为圣诞节购物,也不用付所有的账单。的确,大人们过节的时候会比小孩子有更多的烦恼。Helen说,虽然过圣诞节费时费力,但是圣诞节并不仅仅是亮片装饰和圣诞树,Christmas is more than tinsel and trees. Christmas is about what's in your heart and how you can make others happy. 圣诞节代表了你心中的希望和你怎样能使别人开心。

8. Peter 认为Helen说的很对,所以他下定决心要对别人更好一点,并且把圣诞节的精神长留心中。的确,过圣诞节并不只是吃吃喝喝,互赠礼物,最重要的就是把圣诞节的精神流传下去。

原文地址:国际在线 http://gb.cri.cn/5324/2004/12/17/[email protected]

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