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天堂之火 Fire from Heaven(2)

  “Yes, yes,” he said, stroking its neck. “All in good time, when I say, we'll go. You and I don't run away.”
  He had better take off his cloak; while he spared a hand for the pin, he talked on to keep the horse in mind of him. “Remember who we are. Alexander and Boukephalas.” The black eye rolled round at him. “Easy, easy, now. I'll tell you when.”
  With the reins looped in his left hand he grasped the arch of the 9)mane; with his right, its base between the shoulders. He could feel the horse 10)gather itself together. He ran a few steps with it to gain 11)momentum, then leaped, threw his right leg over; he was up.
  The horse felt the light weight on its back, compact of certainty; the mercy of 12)invincible hands, the 13)forbearance of immovable will; a nature it knew and shared, transfigured to divinity. Men had not mastered it; but it would go with the god.

  The crowd was silent at first. They were men who knew horses, and had more sense than to startle this one. In a breathing 14)hush they waited for it to get its head, taking for granted the boy would be run away with, eager to applaud if he could only stick on and ride it to a standstill. But he had it in hand; it was waiting his sign to go. There was a hum of wonder; then, when they saw him lean forward and kick his heel with a shout, when boy and horse went racing down towards the water-meadows, the roar began. They vanished into the distance; only the rising clouds of wildfowl showed where they had gone.
  They came back at last with the sun behind them, their shadow thrown clear before. Like the feet of a carved 15)pharaoh treading his beaten enemies, the drumming 16)hooves trampled the shadow 17)triumphantly into the ground.

玛丽·瑞瑙特 Mary Renault作者简介

    玛丽·瑞瑙特:1905年生于伦敦,父亲是医师。从牛津大学毕业后,想当作家的瑞瑙特决心拓宽自己的人生经验,进入护士学校培训三年,写出首部小说《爱的意义》(Purposes of Love)。第二次世界大战期间,她从事伤兵护理工作,于业余时间创作的小说《归于夜晚》(Return to Night)获得米高梅奖。战后她移居南非,但多次到非洲、欧洲各国游历,踏足希腊本土及爱琴诸岛等古代文明发祥地。从1950年代中叶到1983年病逝前,瑞瑙特出版了八部以古希腊为背景的长篇历史小说,誉满欧美,是公认的历史小说大师。

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