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It is well know that reading comprehension is the key problem on the way to being a postgraduate. There are so many methodologies that many of us will feel tired of them. In my humble opinion, there is no shortcut to reading comprehension, actually, the practice day after day maybe a most efficient method. Whoever declared he is good at English should pay more attention on it----it is playing an indispensable role in the next examination.


1. Fast reading faculty

2. Which need us to read abundant materials as more as you can. We should know that accumulating enough stuff could give us wider sight.

3. 培养英语思维
习惯于使用英-英字典而不是英-汉字典会起相当重要的作用.furthermore on the one hand, in English writings there are of more nominalization structure than that of in Chinese, on the other hand there are more focus-preposition in the general communications. So we should research their contents conversely.

如果没有机会拥有封闭的语言环境的话, 就最好尝试一下自我封闭语言环境的创造与训练.如:强迫自己在一周内所有要表达的话,全部用英语表达.只要你能坚持一周,效果就相当明显,而无论你所表达的英语有多糟!.

Some anomalous methods on RC

a. Doable order of RC
The title of question----reading materials----exercise-------seeking relevant materials------exercise

b. Focus on the process of RC
Almost everyone worries about the RC, for he find that no matter how hard he studies on RC, the result is depressive------one month ago my accurate rates is 70%, but now, shit, I am lingering around the 70%. My dear friend, donot worry, donot depress, and the situation you have met is commonly to a foreign language leaner. Therefore you should concentrate your energy to the process---the process of RC. You should rebuild the confidence of RC, only filled with confidence and patience can you meliorate the worse status.
To summarize, process is more important than result.


d. Accumulating enough stuffs on prevailing topics
Here are some examples, you would better built them day after day.
1. Gene
Biosafety GMO(genetic modified organisms) transgenetic crops biotechnology
Genetic code special diversity

2. Psychology
Syntaxis autonomy intuition stream of consciousness nothingness conditional reflexes oedipus complex

3. Geology and Biology
Paleontology hierarchy holotype family species genus kingdom

4. Computer and Network
Surfing Internet technique protocol fieldbus control system connectivity cumulation
Embedded control network structure

5. Environment
Natural reserves toxic smog radioactive contamination sewage pollution green house effect El Nino phonomena

6. AIDS and drug
Opium AIDS(acquired immune deficiency syndrome)
HIV(human immunodeficiency virus)
ED(erectile dysfunction) drug addiction exhilarant
Paradoxes of reading comprehension

e. The positive coefficient among the RC and other capabilities
In order to improve the efficiency of RC, the relevant abilities are required, such as oral expressing ability, writing ability and appreciating ability, for they are helpful to our English breeding. There is an old saying that :求木之长者,必固其根本. The knowledge of a language is very wide at all.

f. Speeding-up
Here are some doable treatments which you can utilize to improve the speed during your RC.
1. 不要读出声
2. 词组要连读
3. 介词可户略
4. 留意转折词
5. 总体抓结构
6. 不要过三遍

g. Special reference books
在次我只推荐两本:英语扩从词汇阶梯阅读-5000(xi an jiaoda )
清华出版社影印丛书: macroeconomy/microeconomy

h. 打死拦路虎
词汇是最难得关卡, 此处提供GTER ALLIANCE的绝招:
重复一 It only takes you ten days to recite the syllabus.
重复二 It only takes you five days to recite the syllabus.
重复三 It only takes you three days to recite the syllabus.

If you are feeling all right, than stop reciting, or, you should take the second circle to recite those trashes.
