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我有我选择 I choose to ...


我有我选择 I choose to ...  Today and every day is the best day of my life because:
  I choose to make the most of every second of every day.
  I choose to be happy regardless of the circumstances.
  I choose to go the extra mile to brighten the day of those around me.
  I choose to see only the good in things & people, and avoid 1)dwelling on the negatives.
  I choose to find solutions, not problems!!
  I choose to help the sick and poor, because they need our help. I choose to live free, in life and in spirit, so no cage could or ever will hold me.
  I choose to fight for what’s right, no matter the cost.
  I choose to be the best, Father, Lover, Husband, Brother, Son, Friend, anyone could have.
  I choose to be healthy, and not give in to laziness.
  I choose to put in 200 percent in every thing I do.
  I choose to expect victory and success; failure is not an option.
  I choose to spread love even on those who may not deserve it.
  I choose to see the glass half full, because it is!!
  I choose to give back and be grateful for all my blessings.
  I choose to fight the right fight and win.
  I choose to not let others’negative ideas or opinions affect my choices.
  I choose to be who I always 2)envisioned myself to be!
  I choose these things because, I am lucky enough to be able to choose, grateful enough to use the opportunity, and wise enough to know the difference between choosing and letting the world choose for me!
