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A Cow-urine (尿,小便)-based Soft Drink Comes to Indian Market

A Cow-urine (尿,小便)-based Soft Drink Comes to Indian Market  To combat the foreign influence of Coke and Pepsi, prideful Indian Hindus(印度教徒) turn to a thirst-quenching(解渴的) domestic soft drink—made with cow urine.
  Though India is recognized as a world leader in promoting the health benefits of urine, its dominance will be assured by the end of the year when a cow-urine-based soft drink comes to market. Om Prakash, chief of the Cow Protection Department of the RSS organization (India’s largest Hindu nationalist group), trying to reassure a Times of London reporter, promised, “It won’t smell like urine and will be tasty, too,” noting that medicinal herbs(药草) would be added and toxins(毒素) removed.
  In addition to improved health, he said, India needs a domestic (and especially Hindu) beverage to compete with the foreign influence of Coca Cola and Pepsi.

Filmmaker Plans "Eyeborg(等同于eye cyborg, 电子眼)" Camera

  A Canadian filmmaker plans to have a mini camera installed in his prosthetic(修复术的) eye to make documentaries and raise awareness about surveillance(监督) in society. (http://www.eyeborgblog.com/)
  Rob Spence, 36, who lost an eye in an accident as a teenager, said his so-called Project Eyeborg is to have the camera, a battery and a wireless transmitter(传输器) mounted(安放)on a tiny circuit board(电路板).
  “Originally the whole idea was to do a documentary about surveillance. I thought I would become a sort of super hero... fighting for justice against surveillance,” Spence said.
  “In Toronto there are 12,000 cameras. But the strange thing I discovered was that people don’t care about the surveillance cameras, they were more concerned about me and my secret camera eye(像照相机似的眼睛) because they feel that is a worse invasion of their privacy.”
  Spence, in Brussels(布鲁塞尔,比利时首都) to appear at a media conference, said no part of the camera would be connected to his nerves or brain.
  He does not intend to create a reality TV show and the camera will be switched off when not needed, he said.
  “I don’t want to go into a locker room(更衣室). I don’t want to show the world me going to the bathroom either... I’m not a life-caster and I don’t plan to be one,” he said.
