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  1.Fashionista 引领潮流的人,非常时髦的人
  Someone who creates or promotes high fashion.
  e.g. Fashion bloggers are becoming more and more prominent as fashionistas.
  2.Gel with 合得来
  Go well together, fit well together, have the same ideas.
  e.g. We really gelled with each other and I think we'll become good friends.
  3.Good to go 准备好了
  Ready, prepared, all set.
  e.g. Are we good to go on that project? Boss wants it first thing.
  4.Snag 抓住,拿到,赢得
  Capture, grab, take, get, win.
  e.g. Can you snag me a milk tea from the store? / She snagged the trophy no problem!
  5.On the fly 匆忙地, 在百忙中,在忙其他事时
  While in transit.
  e.g. I don't have a lot of time this morning so I'll have to drink my coffee on the fly.