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  Do something sneakily or in a tricky way, like a ninja.
  e.g. You totally ninjaed her! She had no idea you were behind her.
  2.Be dead to the world沉睡,睡得死去活来
  If someone is dead to the world, they are sleeping deeply and are very difficult to wake up.
  e.g. You can try waking him up if you want, but I'm pretty sure he's dead to the world.
  Steal or borrow something without anyone noticing.
  e.g. I sniped the new Lady Gaga album from my sister.
  Kudos[名望], good job, well done; to “give someone props” means to give them credit or congratulations for a job well done.
  e.g. By the way, props on that presentation. It really impressed the customers.
  5.Sans- (prefix)无,缺
  Without, lacking; have none of something.
  e.g. How does it feel to finally be sans-boyfriend?