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  告别了我们的澳洲籍阳光外教Mitch,编辑部迎来了印度裔加拿大美女Angie,这是Angie送给大家的见面礼:时下最新鲜有趣的流行词汇~~~ Catch up with the world in English!
  1. the green-eyed monster绿眼魔,意指妒忌
  The feeling of jealousy, especially for a rival. Originally used in Shakespeare’s Othello.
  e.g. Seeing the two of them together always brings out my green-eyed monster.
  2. drama queen小题大做的人
  An overly dramatic person who makes small problems seem much larger.
  e.g.—Oh my God, my car is ruined!
   —It’s barely a scratch! Don’t be such a drama queen!
  3. kudo赞赏
  To give recognition or respect to someone for having done something. From the Greek word, kydos, meaning “fame” or “renown.”
  e.g. Kudos to you for actually finishing your book; I never could have done it.
  4. über- / /超级的,非常的
  Very, super, overly. Comes from German, meaning “above.”
  e.g. That new girl is über-cute.
  5. knob疙瘩,指愚蠢、令人不快的人
  An obnoxious[讨厌的], irritating, or idiotic person.
  e.g. He’s such a knob, getting himself in trouble on the day we need him.