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明星:敞开心扉 Come out of my shell

  披头士乐队(The Beatles)毫无疑问是流行音乐历史上最伟大、最有影响力、最为成功的乐队之一。而乐队中四名伟大的音乐家,特别是约翰·列侬(John Lennon)和保罗·麦卡特尼(Paul McCartney),对世界各个角落的摇滚歌手及音乐创作者们的影响持续至今。保罗·麦卡特尼作为The Beatles的创建者之一还入选了摇滚名人堂。离开Beatles之后,保罗·麦卡特尼成为了一名成功的独唱者,并和他的妻子琳达·伊斯特曼·麦卡特尼(Linda Eastman McCartney)、歌手兼作曲家丹尼·莱恩(Denny Laine)组成了Wings乐队。所以从这个意义上来说,琳达不仅是保罗·麦卡特尼的生活伴侣,更是事业上的忠实伙伴。在琳达1998年患癌症去世之后,保罗长久地沉浸在悲痛之中无法自拔。直到他对媒体说出“I was coming out of my shell a little bit”,我这才相信他真的已经come out of his shell,逝者长已矣……

Paul McCartney  Come out of my shell 敞开心扉
  “Once the seasons had gone around once, I started to notice a lightening of my mood. I was coming out of my shell a little bit.”
  —Paul McCartney, talking about his sadness after his wife Linda died.
  Stop being withdrawn; open your heart and mind to life; stop being insecure; stop being shy; become more confident.
  Also means become happier and less upset; change your mood from bad to good; stop thinking about your sadness and start thinking about positive things.
  You can use this phrase to describe a person who is becoming happier and more outgoing. For example, if one of your friends is very quiet and shy, but then starts acting more confident and social, he is “coming out of his shell”.
  Someone who has been very sad for a long time, but is starting to feel better, is “coming out of his/her shell”.
  ★Mike used to be so shy. He was scared to talk to anybody. But now he always says “Hello” to me when I see him. Maybe he’s coming out of his shell. 迈克曾经很害羞,害怕与任何人讲话。但是他现在看到我总是主动与我打招呼。或许他正在慢慢地突破自己,敞开心扉与人交往。
  ★Jane was really sad after her mom died. She didn’t want to see anyone for months. But now she’s coming out of her shell. 自从简的妈妈去世之后,她一直非常悲痛。几个月来她都不想见任何人。但现在她开始慢慢敞开心扉了。
