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职场友谊小建议 Say "Yes" to Office Friendship


  Dear Miss Business,
  I'm unsure of what to do: there's someone at work that I'm really interested in getting to know. She seems smart, funny, and relaxed. How can I show her that I want to be friends without scaring her off?
职场友谊小建议 Say "Yes" to Office Friendship  我不知道该怎么办?我特想了解我一个同事。她看起来聪明有趣,而且很随和。我该怎么做才能让她知道我想跟她做朋友,但又不会把她吓到呢?
  Dear Miss Scaredy Cat,
  Take it easy! If you think that this girl is the bee's knees, ①then chances are she thinks you're pretty cool too. Just start small: ask her to meet for coffee, or plan a large event and invite a lot of people. Even just offering to help her with something is a good way to break the ice. Good luck!
  亲爱的Scaredy Cat小姐:
  Dear Miss Business,
  I met one of my coworkers on the subway going to work yesterday. ②All I could do was talk shop! It was like I was the most boring and awkward person in the world. What should I do next time?
  Dear Miss Train Wreck,
  Everybody's got hobbies, even your colleagues. Do your homework. Find out what they like, and then learn to speak their language. If he likes computers, learn something about computers. ③If she's into art, bone up on Picasso. That way you'll have some conversational 1)ammo in your 2)arsenal for next time.
  亲爱的Train Wreck小姐:
  Dear Miss Business,
  There's a guy at work who has really great taste in movies. We're always talking about the same shows. I'd love to go DVD shopping with him, but I don't want to freak him out. Any advice?
  Dear Mr. Entertainment,
  ④It sounds like you guys are cut from the same cloth, but taking that next step can be a bit slippery. ⑤You don't want the spark of friendship to go out, but you also don't want to burn down the house. Take a baby step: plan a time when you want to go DVD shopping. Then, simply ask whether he wants to join. If he says yes, you're set! If he says no, just shrug it off and wait for next time. The important thing is to keep trying; ⑥a “yes” may be right around the corner.


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