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压力重重 Stressed Out



  Simon: Vanessa, would you mind if I had a few words with you?

  Vanessa: Sure Boss, what's up?

压力重重 Stressed Out  Simon: Well, I've been watching you lately and I'm starting to worry.

  Vanessa: What do you mean? I know I was sick last month, but ①I've really been trying to carry my own weight since then.

  Simon: I think that might be the problem. ②You seem to be burning the candle at both ends recently, and I'm worried that you're going to, well, burn out.

  Vanessa: I see what you're saying, but I don't know what else to do. You know, ③I spent four years in university studying my heart out. Now here I sit, doing a job that I'm overqualified for and don't really enjoy, which takes up all my time, and leaves me with almost no money to pay my student loans. The only choice I've got is to keep doing it until a better position or opportunity comes along… Whew, sorry to unload like that, ④I guess it's getting to me a little more than I thought.

  Simon: I think you're expecting too much, Vanessa, and you need to be careful—just think about those stories from Shenzhen recently. Those suicides at Foxconn? It's so tragic.

  Vanessa: I know, I know. ⑤It's just that my life isn't exactly turning out the way that I thought it would.

  Simon: Vanessa, come on! You're only 22. This is your first job. ⑥You're still wet behind the ears. You can't expect to immediately have everything you want; that's just placing too much pressure on yourself. Have you talked to someone about this?

  Vanessa: I just don't know where to turn—I can't exactly talk to my mom about this. She's just happy that I went to university and have a well-paid job. She thinks I'm ungrateful for wanting more.

  Simon: What about going to a counsellor? Our company offers a great career counselling program, and they can point you in the right direction if you need further help. It might be good just to have someone to talk to.

  Vanessa: Actually, that's not a bad idea. Thanks, Boss!

  Smart Sentences

  ① I've really been trying to carry my own weight since then.自那以后我真的在尽力做好自己份内的工作了。

  carry one's own weight: do one's share of work(做好份内工作)。例如:
  If everyone carries his/her own weight, we should be able to finish the project on time.

  ② You seem to be burning the candle at both ends recently. 你最近看起来在疲于奔命。

  burn the candle at both ends:try to do too many things in too short a period of time that would take up too much time and energy, or resources(在多方面过分浪费精力、财产等)。例如:You can't take a full-time job while going to school. You will end up burning the candle at both ends.

  ③ I spent four years in university studying my heart out. 我大学四年刻苦学习。

  study one's heart out: study extremely hard(异常努力地学习)。例如:
  My brother studied his heart out trying to understand the new terms in his new position.

  ④ I guess it's getting to me a little more than I thought. 我想它对我情绪的影响比我想像中更大一些。

  get (to) sb.: sth./sb. annoys or irritates sb.(某事或某人影响他人的情绪,打击某人)。例如:
  Mr. Ulam's comments on my performance have really been getting to me in the last few days.

  ⑤ It's just that my life isn't exactly turning out the way that I thought it would. 我就是感觉自己现在的生活和原来设想的完全不同了。

  turn out: end up, result(结果,成为)。例如:
  I heard that yesterday's negotiation turned out badly.

  ⑥ You're still wet behind the ears. 你还年轻。

  wet behind the ears: only recently arrived at a new job; not experienced(初出茅庐,新手)。例如:
  This group of new comers are wet behind the ears, but I find that they have some very good ideas.
