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塞西莉亚·卡茜妮:小小设计师,我有大精彩 Cecilia Cassini-Little Girl, Big Buzz(2)

  When a young star of the HBO series Big Love needed a dress for a party, she called Cecilia.
  Bella Thorne (Actress): Some designers are older, so they don't know what kids want to wear. But she's…she's very close to my age, so she knows exactly what I want to wear.
  Cecilia's designs are grabbing the attention of buyers from some of the most exclusive[高级的] stores in Los Angeles.
  Jennifer Kunski (Buyer): I was so impressed by her as a person and really inspired by her story, and thought that she would be inspiring for, you know, all kids around her age that want to do something, be a designer or whatever it is they want to be.
  Cecilia Cassini has always dreamed of becoming a famous fashion designer, and now she's making it happen—one masterpiece at a time.
  注1:2003年美国作家马丁·林斯特龙(Martin Lindstrom)在《人小钱大吞世代》(BRANDchild—Insights into the Minds of Today's Global Kids: Understanding Their Relationship with Brands)一书中提出的概念,指的是8岁至14岁、具有消费能力的少年,这种说法后来被广泛应用于媒体中。
  注3:美国演员、模特,曾在《新铁金刚之黑日危机》(007: The World Is Not Enough, 1999)中担任“邦女郎”。

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