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美国流行食物传奇 American Food Legends


  In some way, what you eat reflects who you are—as people and as a culture. So do you want to understand another culture? Find out about its food. Learning about American food can give you a real taste of American culture.


Coca-Cola  “We need a bottle which a person will recognize as a Coca-Cola bottle even when he feels it in the dark! The Coca-Cola bottle should be so shaped that, even if broken, a person could tell at a glance what it was.” This challenge, offered by the Coca-Cola Company in 1913, was met by the glassmakers at the Root Company in Terre Haute, Indiana. Inspired by the plump1) and rippled2) cocoa bean pod3), the Root team came up with the unmistakable silhouette4) in pale green glass that has meant “Coke” to generations of thirsty folks since 1916.


Oreos  On March 6, 1912, New Jersey grocer S. C. Thuesen made history when he purchased a 9 1/4-pound tin of chocolate-sandwich cookies. Little did Thuesen know he was the first person ever to buy what would become the best-selling cookie ever: Oreos, which now sell at a rate of billions upon billions a year. It has been posited5) that if all the Oreos produced since Thuesen’s purchase could be stacked atop one another they would reach the moon four times.

  Graham Crackers

Graham Crackers   When Sylvester Graham, a frail and disgruntled6) early nineteenth-century Connecticut cleric, went searching for the root of all evil, he came up with a long list of possibilities. Topping the list was the American diet. Embracing his new calling as a nutritional moralist, Graham traveled the country inveighing7) against red meat, fats, alcohol, salt, sweets, condiments8), tobacco, and white bread. Graham alleged that these substances were not merely unhealthful, but downright immoral. Among their ill effects, he contended, were sexual excesses, family conflict, disease, and insanity.

  Graham’s recommendations were a mixture of asceticism9) and practicality. He advocated tooth brushing, frequent bathing, looser clothing, exercise, a vegetarian diet, clean air and pure drinking water, laughter as a digestive aid, and temperance10) in everything—all radical ideas in his day.

  Fortunately, his zealotry11) contained several kernels12) of sound, albeit intuitive, advice. Graham’s Treatise13) on Bread and Bread-Making, written in 1837, made a persuasive case for what is now known as a high-fiber diet. And his assertion that whole-grain dark bread was preferable to bread made from refined white flour was later borne out14) by the twentieth-century discovery of vitamins15).

  Even so, dissenters and even rioters16) often dogged17) Graham’s lecture tours. His reformist arguments attracted considerable ridicule and violent protests—especially from professional bakers and butchers.

  Graham’s bran18) crusade influenced many—including such prominent individuals as Horace Greeley19) and Ellen White20)—and sparked sweeping changes in America’s eating habits. In a time when many started the day with heaping platters of meat and potatoes, he ate a daily ration of dry, crumbled whole wheat biscuits: the original Graham crackers.

  Ironically, all-around health “expert” Graham never attained the vigor he promised others. He took his last righteous meal in the fall of 1851 and died at the early age of 57—but the cracker that bears his name lives on around the world.

  Cracker Jacks

Cracker Jacks   A prize in every box! That’s what generations of kids have looked forward to whenever they asked for Cracker Jack. But even before the popcorn, peanut, and molasses21) treat became identified with hidden treasure, it was one of America’s favorite snacks22). First finding popularity in 1871 when Frederick Rueckheim concocted23) the confection24) and sold it from his Chicago popcorn stand, it met with even wider acclaim when Rueckheim and his brother introduced it at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition. By 1899 Cracker Jack was distributed in snack-size boxes, and in 1908 it was immortalized in the song Take Me Out to the Ball Game25). When prizes were tucked into every package in 1912, Cracker Jack’s success was assured.

  From the beginning, the prizes were remarkably inventive. Nestled in the mix were whistles, watches, watch fobs, and even Cracker Jack piggybanks that held five pennies—just enough to buy the next box. With prizes numbering in the thousands, a child could expect a new surprise with each new box.

  Animal Crackers

Animal Crackers  “If the kids can’t go to the circus, bring the circus to the kids” seems to have been the idea behind the introduction of animal crackers in 1902. Although animal-shaped cookies had been around for a long time, it was the National Biscuit Company that took them out of bins and tins and put them into compact, colorful boxes. The string handle on each box was originally meant for hanging on a Christmas tree, but the crackers gained year-round popularity and have taken the form of 37 animals over the years. Up to 18 different beasts may inhabit each box, including the ever-popular lions, tigers, and bears, as well as hyenas, camels, and seals. 


Grape-Nuts   Charles W. Post, a traveling salesman and sometime venture capitalist, was among the many philosophical heirs of Sylvester Graham. Bedeviled26) by chronic digestive disorders and other health problems, Post tried a number of “cures” with little success. In 1884 he found his way to the Battle Creek27) Sanitarium28), a widely touted health spa directed by John Harvey Kellogg, MD.

  Patient Post endured a variety of treatments and some curious regimens29) at Kellogg’s “San”, including the Grahamite diet and instruction in the Chewing Song, a ditty Kellogg had composed to encourage thorough mastication30). But Post came away after nine months no stronger than when he had gone in. “Given up on by the doctors,” as he would later claim, he took his troubles to a Battle Creek Christian Science practitioner31). Within two days his appetite and strength returned.
  在凯洛格的疗养院里, 病人波斯特经历了各种各样的治疗方法和一些奇特的养生疗法,包括“格拉厄姆式”饮食法和《咀嚼歌》(由凯洛格创作的一曲小调,鼓励人们细细咀嚼)指导疗法。但是,九个月后,波斯特拖着和来时一样虚弱的身躯离开了。波斯特后来说:“医生已经拿我没办法了。”带着自己的困扰,他向巴特尔克里克市基督教科学派里的一个信仰疗法术士寻求帮助。没过两天,他就食欲大振,体力也恢复如常。

  Post was convinced he owed his recovery to a combination of natural foods and positive mental suggestion, and that there were untold marketing opportunities in such an approach. He opened his own spa and began experimenting with ways to prepare more palatable32) health foods. In 1895 he launched a bran, wheat, and molasses-based no-caffeine coffee substitute called Postum. Grape-Nuts, a gritty33) “scientific” formulation that had neither grapes nor nuts in its cereal34) mix, appeared in 1898. These were followed in 1906 by “Elijah35)’s Manna36)”, later rechristened37) Post Toasties.

  1. plump [plʌmp] adj. 鼓起的,丰满的
  2. ripple [ˈrɪp(ə)l] v. 起波纹,呈波浪状
  3. pod [pɒd] n. 豆荚
  4. silhouette [ˌsɪluˈet] n. 轮廓
  5. posit [ˈpɒzɪt] vt. 假定,断定
  6. disgruntled [dɪsˈɡrʌnt(ə)ld] adj. 不满的,不高兴的
  7. inveigh [ɪnˈveɪ] vi. 猛烈抨击,痛骂
  8. condiment [ˈkɒndɪmənt] n. 调味品
  9. asceticism [əˈsetɪsɪzəm] n. 禁欲主义,苦行生活
  10. temperance [ˈtemp(ə)rəns] n. 节制
  11. zealotry [ˈzelətri] n. 狂热行为
  12. kernel [ˈkɜː(r)n(ə)l] n. (事物、问题的)核心,要点,精髓
  13. treatise [ˈtriːtɪz] n. 论述,专题论文
  14. bear out:证实……的话(或报道等)
  15. vitamin [ˈvɪtəmɪn] n. 维他命。1897年,荷兰医生Christian Eijkman发现只吃精磨的白米可能会患脚气病,而未经碾磨的糙米能治疗这种病。1911年, 波兰生物化学家Kazimierz Funk鉴定出在糙米中能对抗脚气病的物质是胺类(amine),它是维持生命所必需的,所以建议命名为“vitamine”。后来又陆续发现许多“vitamine”,它们的化学性质不同,生理功能也不同,许多根本不含胺,但Funk的命名却继续沿用了下来,只是将最后的字母“e”去掉了。
  16. rioter [ˈraɪət] n. 聚众闹事者,参加暴乱者
  17. dog [dɒɡ] vt. 跟随,尾随
  18. bran [bræn] n. 糠,麸
  19. Horace Greeley:霍勒斯·格里利(1811~1872),美国著名报人、编辑,《纽约论坛报》的创办者
  20. Ellen White:埃伦·怀特(1827~1915),一位多产的基督教作家,美国基督教先驱之一,基督复临安息日会(一个全球性的组织,拥有一千多万名信徒,遵守星期六为安息日,盼望耶稣快来)的精神领袖
  21. molasses [məˈlæsɪz] n. <美> 糖蜜
  22. snack [snæk] n. 小吃,点心
  23. concoct [kənˈkɒkt] vt. 调制,调合
  24. confection [kənˈfekʃ(ə)n] n. 糖果,甜点
  25. Take Me Out to the Ball Game:《带我去看棒球赛》,美国歌手Jack Norworth写于1908年的一首歌,后成为非官方的棒球赛之歌。这首歌在第四句歌词中提到了“Cracker Jacks”,其前四句歌词如下:“Take me out to the ball game. Take me out to the crowd. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks. I don’t care if I never come back.”
  26. bedevil [bɪˈdev(ə)l] vt. 使苦恼
  27. Battle Creek:巴特尔克里克市,位于美国密歇根州中南部的工业城市,有“世界谷物之都”之称。
  28. sanitarium [ˈsænət(ə)riəm] n. 疗养院
  29. regimen [ˈredʒɪmən] n. 养生法
  30. mastication [ˈmæstɪkeɪʃ(ə)n] n. 咀嚼
  31. practitioner [prækˈtiʃənə] n. (基督教科学派的)信仰疗法术士
  32. palatable [ˈpælətəb(ə)l] adj. 美味的
  33. gritty [ˈɡrɪti] adj. 有砂砾的,砂砾般的
  34. cereal [ˈsɪəriəl] adj. 谷物的
  35. Elijah:以利亚,《圣经》中的重要先知,生活在公元前9世纪。
  36. manna [ˈmænə] n. 吗哪(《圣经》故事中的一种天降食物),精神食粮
  37. rechristen [riˈkrɪs(ə)n] vt. 重新命名
